This is Maven plugin that extracts tests from the project so that they can be run independently with any compatible Quarkus platform artifacts. The plugin enables you to run Quarkus main project tests with delivered Quarkus artifacts, without source code. It is useful if you need to verify that your build of Quarkus works as expected.
Installed Git and Maven 3.9.9 or newer 3.X version. Only supported OS is Fedora / RHEL. If you plan to push extracted tests to the Quarkus QE Extracted Tests project, valid GitHub token must be available.
wget -q
chmod +x
- Clone this project (skipped when the plugin artifacts are detected)
- Build this project (skipped when the plugin artifacts are detected)
- Clone Quarkus main project (skipped when Quarkus project directory contains a POM file)
- Go to Quarkus main project (skipped when Quarkus project directory contains a POM file)
- Extract tests from extensions deployment modules and integration test modules
- Summarize extraction, e.g. what dependency versions are hardcoded because they are not managed by Quarkus BOM
- If explicitly enabled, push tests to Quarkus QE Extracted Tests project:
- clone the target project
- checkout specified branch (create it if not exist)
- delete all existing files in the project and replace them with newly extracted tests
- commit and open PR to the Quarkus QE Extracted Tests project
script accepts following options:
Option | Supported values | Description | Default value |
-l | SSH git link | Quarkus project URL | [email protected]:quarkusio/quarkus.git |
-b | existing branch | Quarkus project branch | main |
-d | path to directory | Quarkus project directory | . |
-v | no values | Log all messages like Quarkus build | silent unless super verbose mode is enabled with x |
-x | no values | Enable Maven plugin goal execution debugging with -X |
silent |
-t | path to directory | Where to put extracted tests | /tmp/extracted-tests |
-u | HTTPS link | Quarkus QE Extracted Tests project URL | [email protected]:quarkus-qe/quarkus-extracted-tests.git |
-n | branch (existing / new) | Quarkus QE Extracted Tests target branch | value of the -b option |
-p | no values | If to push extracted tests to the project | not pushed |
-w | path to directory | Working directory (e.g. where this plugin is built) | /tmp/test-extractor |