Vastly improved CDC failure messages
This release improves the output on failed CDCs by
- Using a consistent logger so the formatting is good
- Rather than a simple "JSON is incompatible" message, it now finds every problem there is and gives you a list of what's wrong
Chriss-Air:mockingjay-server quii$ mockingjay-server -config=examples/incompatible.yaml -realURL=http://localhost:9090
mocking-jay: 2016/01/31 10:13:47 ✗ Test endpoint (GET /hello) is incompatible with http://localhost:9090
mocking-jay: 2016/01/31 10:13:47 JSON err on field 'proclomation' : Missing field
mocking-jay: 2016/01/31 10:13:47 JSON err on field 'message' : Field is not a float in other JSON
mocking-jay: 2016/01/31 10:13:47 ✗ Test endpoint 2 (DELETE /world) is incompatible with http://localhost:9090
mocking-jay: 2016/01/31 10:13:47 Got 200 expected 400
mocking-jay: 2016/01/31 10:13:47 ✗ Failing endpoint (POST /card) is incompatible with http://localhost:9090
mocking-jay: 2016/01/31 10:13:47 Exact body match did not pass
This should hopefully make debugging API problems a lot easier.