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Installs the Quipucords server and CLI. Quipucords is a tool for discovery, inspection, collection, deduplication, and reporting on an IT environment.

This README file contains information about the installation and development of qpc-tools, as well as instructions about where to find basic usage, known issues, and best practices information.

Introduction to qpc-tools

The qpc-tools package is a python script that utilizes Ansible to install both the Quipucords server and CLI.

Requirements and Assumptions

Before installing qpc-tools on a system, review the following guidelines about installing and running Quipucords and qpc-tools:

  • qpc-tools is written to run on RHEL or CentOS servers.


The qpc-tools package is required to install the Quipucords server and CLI.

Online Installation of qpc-tools

Run the command for the correct operating system.

  • CentOS 7 and RHEL 7
    yum install
  • RHEL 8
    yum install

Offline Installation of qpc-tools

For an offline install you must first install the qpc-tools dependencies on the target machine. Below is a list of required rpms per operating system.


  • CentOS 7 and RHEL 7
    • ansible
    • python36
  • RHEL 8
    • ansible
    • python3

On a machine connected to the internet, download the correct rpm for your operating system.

Transfer the qpc-tools rpm that was downloaded to the target machine and run the following command:

rpm -Uvh --force PATH_TO_RPM


To develop the qpc-tools, begin by cloning the repository.

git clone [email protected]:quipucords/qpc-tools.git


There are various options testing your changes to the installation scripts. You can test scripts from this repository or an official build.


  • First obtain all the required repositories
git clone [email protected]:quipucords/quipucords.git
git clone [email protected]:quipucords/quipucords-ui.git
git clone [email protected]:quipucords/qpc-tools.git

Testing local installation scripts

This method is used when you are testing installation scripts that have not been released.

Testing online installation

To test your local scripts on all supported OS's run the following.

make setup-local-online
make test-all

If you make changes to the installation scripts and want to test them you can run:

make refresh

There is no need to restart the VM.

Testing offline installation

To build the docker image, download the qpc client and test with the local install scripts on all supported OS's, run the following:

make setup-local-offline server_source=release cli_version=0.9.1 server_version=0.9.1
make test-all


  • server_source
    • Contains local or release value. Defaults to release. Supply local to build the server docker image from a local quipucords repository, or release to use release server docker image.
  • cli_version
    • Contains the released version of the qpc client. Defaults to latest. Supply the client version number you want to use.
  • server_version
    • Contains Quipucords server version number. Required if server_source is local. If server_source is release, then defaults to latest. Supply the server version number you want to use.

If you make changes to the installation scripts and want to test them you can run:

make refresh

There is no need to restart the VM.

Warning: If you are switching from doing an offline test to online, then you should run make clean on the qpc-tools repository folder before starting the online installation.

Testing released installation scripts

This method is used when you are testing installation scripts that have been released. They will be available on GitHub.

Testing online installation

To test the release scripts on all supported OS's, run the following.

make setup-release-online
make test-all

Once inside the VM, run the following:

cd /qpc-tools;sudo su
make install-release-online tools_version=0.2.1


  • tools_version
    • Contains the released version of the qpc-tools. Defaults to latest. Supply the qpc-tools version number you want to use.

Testing offline installation

To test the release scripts on all supported OS's, run the following. This command will download Quipucords server docker image, qpc-tools, QPC CLI client and copy them to OS specific folders.

make setup-release-offline tools_version=0.2.1 cli_version=0.9.0 server_version=0.9.0
make test-all


  • tools_version
    • Contains the released version of the qpc-tools. Defaults to latest. Supply the qpc-tools version number you want to use.
  • cli_version
    • Contains the released version of the QPC client. Defaults to latest. Supply the client version number you want to use.
  • server_version
    • Contains Quipucords server version number. Defaults to latest. Supply the server version number you want to use.

Configuring Virtual Machines

The above test-all command will perform a vagrant ssh. If you have no configuration help, then you can simply run qpc-tools.

Optional Secret Configuration

Create or obtain a tarball named tools_config.tar.gz. The files in this tarball will automatically be copied inside the VMs mapped volumes. If you are testing rhel6 or rhel7 and have internal repositories, your tools_config.tar.gz should have the following structure:

- config
    - rhel6
        - rhel 6 repository files
    - rhel7
        - rhel 7 repository files
    - rhel8
        - rhel 8 repository files

The repository files will be copied to the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory in the virtual machine.

Vagrant: Testing Online Installation

To test online installation, do the following:

clear;cd /qpc_tools;sudo su
make online-prep
make install-local --or-- make install-release-online
qpc-tools server install
qpc-tools cli install


  • Optionally run any secret post install scripts you included in tools_config.tar.gz

Vagrant: Testing Offline Installation

To test offline installation for RHEL 7/8 or CentOS 7, do the following (with internet connectivity):

clear;cd /qpc_tools;sudo su
make offline-prep (only for local testing)
# Disconnect from the network
make install-local or make install-release-offline
qpc-tools server install --offline-files /qpc_tools/install/packages --version 0.9.1
qpc-tools cli install --offline-files /qpc_tools/install/packages


  • Optionally run any secret post install scripts you included in tools_config.tar.gz

Vagrant: Testing Advanced Args

Sometimes flags that are not externally available will need to be flipped in order to bypass special case issues during SEAP engagements. For example, some customers may not be able to use supervisord. To test these advanced internal arguments do the following:

clear;cd /qpc_tools;sudo su
make online-prep
make install-local
qpc-tools server install --advanced use_docker=True ansible_log_level=10 use_supervisord=false

Creating the man page

After installing pandoc locally, run the following command:

 make manpage
 cd install; man ./qpc-tools.1


To report bugs for qpc-tools open issues against this repository in Github. Complete the issue template when opening a new bug to improve investigation and resolution time.


Authorship and current maintainer information can be found in AUTHORS

Copyright and License

Copyright 2019, Red Hat, Inc.

qpc-tools is released under the GNU Public License version 3