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Code for Prostate Lesion Segmentation in PSMA PET-CT Using Deep Learning project.

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Prostate Lesion Segmentation


This repo trains and evaluates PyTorch models on DICOM data of PET/CT scans for bladder, prostate, and tumor ROI detection. Create an environment for the repo using pip or conda. For the required dataset structure, see dataset documentation. For config file setup, see experiment documentation.

Sample Results

As a first step for using this repo, we recommend re-training a model using one of the configs provided with the dataset. See below for how to set a config and train.


  • Specify the name for each experiment via command line with --name=sample_name or -n sample_name. An output directory containing all experiment files will be created with the experiment name.
  • Comments associated with an experiment can be added in the command line with -c followed by comment in single quotes.
  • Changes to parameters in the config can be changed on the fly via command line keyword with followed by the key value pair parameters, e.g. with 'a=2.3' 'b="FooBar"' 'c=True'. Note changing the parameter CONFIG_FILE which loads an existing configuration file needs to be done inside the config() function in, i.e.
    def config():
        cfg.CONFIG_FILE = 'seg_3d/config/bladder-detection.yaml'
        cfg.merge_from_file(cfg.CONFIG_FILE)  # config file has to be loaded here!


python -m seg_3d.train_loop --name=test1

To resume training from a previously started run, run the following command keeping the same experiment name.

python -m seg_3d.train_loop --name=test1 with 'RESUME=True'


For inference, see this notebook on how to use the InferenceDataset class with a predefined config.


In evaluation mode, use the same name as the training run and set the parameter EVAL_ONLY to true. This will create a new directory prefixed eval inside the training run and will use by default the file model_best.pth as the weight file.

python -m seg_3d.train_loop --name=test1 with 'EVAL_ONLY=True'

To generate plots of the mask predictions along with the samples and ground truth labels, set the following parameter in the config to true

    VIS_PREDS: true

Another option is to run the mask visualizer in standalone using the script Here you need to specify the path to the output directory and the class labels.

python -m seg_3d.evaluation.visualize_preds

We also use tensorboard to visualize the inputs and outputs of the model during train time. To bring up tensorboard dashboard run the following command, where output-dir is the path to the directory storing the training runs

tensorboard --logdir ouput-dir


The run_configs script can be used to run multiple configs consecutively, for training multiple models in sequence. The run_kfold script can be used to run a config over all three folds of the dataset, with final evaluation reported over the combined test sets.


We use Sacred to help manage experiments and for command line interface. Sacred documentation can be found here Below are the core features we use from Sacred.

Sacred Setup

  1. Install docker
  2. Bring up omniboard and mongo database run sudo docker compose up (or docker-compose up) from the repo root directory.
  3. Open http://localhost:9000/ in the browser. Port number is specified in the docker-compose.yml file

Useful notes

  • To create a new image from a container's changes and then push to registry (note this step does not work to do a backup of mongo db).
    docker commit <container-id> myname/containername:version
    docker push <image-id>
  • The mongo docker image writes data into a volume
  • One way to do a backup of mongo db is via mongodump and then copying the file over from the container
  • Omniboard docs

Repo Structure

├── conda_env.yml                   # Conda experiment file
├── dicom_code                      # DICOM-specific code
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── docker-compose.yml              # Sacred Docker compose file
├── docs                            # Documentation
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── figures
├── notebooks                       # Inference Notebook and required code
│   ├── run_saved_model.ipynb
│   └── unet_code
├── requirements.txt                # Python package requirements
├── scripts                         # Scripts for automated runs
│   ├──
│   └──
└── seg_3d                          # Core pipeline code
    ├── config                      # Default configs and config related code
    ├── data                        # Dataset and data related code
    ├── evaluation                  # Metrics and evaluation/visualization related code
    ├──                   # Loss function definitions
    ├── modeling                    # Neural Network architecture related code
    ├──               # Main file for running pipeline
    └── utils                       # Early stopping, logging, scheduling, and other utils


Code for Prostate Lesion Segmentation in PSMA PET-CT Using Deep Learning project.






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