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Contribute to trawlData

Ryan Batt edited this page Dec 15, 2015 · 4 revisions

The easiest way to contribute to trawlData is to use it!

If you see problems, create a new Issue on GitHub.

Better yet, make edits on your own fork or branch for this repo, and submit a pull request with changes that fixes the Issue you created. This repository uses Git LFS, so be sure to have that installed alongside Git.

To reiterate, here are a few things to keep in mind when trying to contribute to this repo:

  1. Be sure to have Git and Git LFS
  2. inst/extdata/taxonomy/spp.key.csv has the taxonomic key, which needs help
  3. Documentation and (particularly data set metadata) needs improvement
  • edit R/datasets.R
  • use devtools::document()
  1. If you see something that is missing or needs improvement, create an issue

This repository uses git-lfs. Git Large File Storage is a way to manage large binary files into a git workflow without taking up a ton of disk space (and it lets you put large files up to GitHub!).

Installing git-lfs is easy; see this link for instructions.

See on the page on keeping Git and Git LFS Updated to see how to install, manage, and update these programs.