jasmine-sinon provides a set of custom matchers for using the Sinon.JS spying, stubbing and mocking library with Jasmine BDD.
Instead of:
you can say:
This is not only nicerer to look at in your purdy specs, but you get more descriptive failure output in your Jasmine spec runner.
Instead of:
Expected false to be truthy.
you get:
Expected spy "mySpy" to have been called with "foo".
If you are using Jasmine 1.x, use the latest 0.3.x release. For Jasmine 2, use 0.4 or above.
Just include lib/jasmine-sinon.js
in your Jasmine test runner file.
Don't forget to include sinon.js.
With jasmine-gem
Add it to jasmine.yml
. Don't forget to include sinon.js.
npm install jasmine-sinon --save-dev
Then, in your jasmine spec:
var sinon = require('sinon');
bower install jasmine-sinon --save-dev
Then, include components/jasmine-sinon/index.js
in your test runner.
In general, you should be able to translate a Sinon spy/stub/mock API method to a jasmine-sinon matcher by prepending toHaveBeen to the front of the method name. For example, the Sinon.JS spy method called
becomes toHaveBeenCalled
. There are one or two exceptions to this rule, so the full list of matchers is given below.
Sinon.JS property / method | jasmine-sinon matcher |
called |
toHaveBeenCalled() |
calledOnce |
toHaveBeenCalledOnce() |
calledTwice |
toHaveBeenCalledTwice() |
calledThrice |
toHaveBeenCalledThrice() |
calledBefore() |
toHaveBeenCalledBefore() |
calledAfter() |
toHaveBeenCalledAfter() |
calledOn() |
toHaveBeenCalledOn() |
alwaysCalledOn() |
toHaveBeenAlwaysCalledOn() |
calledWith() |
toHaveBeenCalledWith() |
alwaysCalledWith() |
toHaveBeenAlwaysCalledWith() |
calledWithExactly() |
toHaveBeenCalledWithExactly() |
alwaysCalledWithExactly() |
toHaveBeenAlwaysCalledWithExactly() |
calledWithMatch() |
toHaveBeenCalledWithMatch() |
alwaysCalledWithMatch() |
toHaveBeenAlwaysCalledWithMatch() |
calledWithNew |
toHaveBeenCalledWithNew() >=v0.4 |
neverCalledWith |
toHaveBeenNeverCalledWith() >=v0.4 |
neverCalledWithMatch() |
toHaveBeenNeverCalledWithMatch() >=v0.4 |
threw() |
toHaveThrown() |
alwaysThrew() |
toHaveAlwaysThrown() |
returned() |
toHaveReturned() |
alwaysReturned() |
toHaveAlwaysReturned() |
These matchers will work on spies, individual spy calls, stubs and mocks.
You can use Jasmine spies alongside your Sinon spies. jasmine-sinon will detect which you're using and use the appropriate matcher.
You can also use Jasmine's fuzzy matchers any()
and objectContaining()
in expectations, e.g.
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({name: 'froots'}))
Thanks to:
- @aelesbao for Exception matchers
- @theinterned for, er, match matchers
- @milichev for graceful spy matchers
- @reinseth for Jasmine fuzzy matcher support
- @stoodder for initial Jasmine 2.0 support work