An automated grading rubric generator to make the lives of Instructors easier
- Clone this repository
- Run the following command:
python3 "namelist.txt" "rubric.json" "rubric.csv"
- Note: You may need to run
pip install pandas
for this executable to run
Sample .txt and .json input files can be found in the samples/ directory.
It's worth noting that the .json file has a "Total":0 row by design, to hold the total points deducted per student
The purpose of this program is to compile a grading rubric spreadsheet automatically, for easy HW grading by TAs and instructors.
A namelist and a rubric are both required for this program to run, both must be passed as args. A third arguement must also be passed,
which is the name of the output csv
To get a list of student names from an LMS powered by Canvas (
- Go to the People page for the class
- Set the role to student
- Run the below JS snippet in your browser console:
targets = document.getElementsByClassName("roster_user_name student_context_card_trigger"); namelist = [] for(x = 0; x < targets.length; x++) { namelist.push(targets[x].innerText); } console.log(namelist.toString());
This should log a comma separated list that this program accepts :)