TorHidden - A simple proxy tool.
TorHidden - A simple proxy tool.
Clone the repository
git clone
unpack the Tor folder to the root of drive.
Example : C:\Tor\
unpack the Tor folder to the root of drive C.
Create torrc file
echo( > C:\Tor\torrc
To test if the service with the settings file will start correctly:
C:\Tor\tor.exe -f "C:\Tor\torrc"
Now install the Tor service, which will read the settings from the C:\Tor\torrc file:
C:\Tor\tor.exe --service install -options -f "C:\Tor\torrc"
By default, the Tor service listens on port 9050, so you can check whether it is started by a command that shows if port 9050 is listened:
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5*" %i in ('netstat -aon ^| findstr ":9050" ^| findstr /i listening') do echo %j %l & @tasklist | findstr %m
C:\Tor\tor.exe --service start
C:\Tor\tor.exe --service stop
C:\Tor\tor.exe --service stop
C:\Tor\tor.exe --service remove
- Write Proxies
proxies = {
'http': 'socks5://localhost:9050',
'https': 'socks5://localhost:9050'
- Call New Proxy
def renew_tor_ip():
with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as controller:
- Example of code using proxy :
def checkmyip(url):
for x in range(1):
ipAddresss = requests.get("", proxies=proxies).text
print('Current IP: '+ ipAddresss)
- Hidden Proxy for Python Requests
- Windows
- Linux
- macOS
- Android (Termux)
by Raihan Uddin
This repository is under Unlicense License.