import pyttsx3 #pip install pyttsx3
import datetime #module
import speech_recognition as sr
import wikipedia
import smtplib
import webbrowser as wb
import os #inbuilt
import pyautogui
import psutil #pip install psutil
import pyjokes # pip install pyjokes
import requests, json #inbuilt
This is the New Jarvis AI Project it will do some functionality followed by user query.
Say "Help" or "tell me your features" , it will show all it's features
it can help to do lot many things like..
it can tell you the current time and date,
it can tell you the current weather,
it can tell you battery and cpu usage,
it can create the reminder list,
it can take screenshots,
it can send email to your boss or family or your friend,
it can shut down or logout or hibernate your system,
it can tell you non funny jokes, :)
it can open any website, on chrome web-browser
it can search the thing on wikipedia,
it can change his/her voice from male to female and vice-versa
And yes more thing to come...