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# Student-Management-System-Web-Application-Using-JAVA_Spring_Web_MVC-And-Hibernate

#Problem Statement

MKCL’s Project Trainee Recruitment 2022 - Assignment for Stage II 
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MKCL’s Project Trainee Recruitment 2022
Stage II
Important Instructions: 
 You have been assigned a below mentioned assignment topic to develop a small full 
stack Application using any Front End, Back End and Database technology.
 A total duration allocated to complete this assignment will be Six Days.
 You have to create both Front End as well as Backend. 
 Your application should interact with the database.
 You can use any database as per your choice.
 You can create the backend in any programming Language e.g. GoLang, PHP, Python, 
Node.js,.NET, etc. Also, you can create the Frontend using any language or framework.
 After Six days, a candidate will have to appear for an Online Interview through Google 
meet where s/he can demonstrate and explain the application developed by her/him.
 Video of the candidate must be ON while explaining the application.
 For the online interview, a candidate will have to show the actual codes s/he had written 
for the assignment through screen sharing.
 A webcam and mic on the computer /laptop must be in a working condition before 
starting the online interview.
 The approximate duration of Online Interview will be 10-15 Minutes.
Important Dates:
 Developing Full stack application on topics given for Stage II: From Thursday, June 30 to 
Tuesday, July 05, 2022
 Online Interview based on assignments given for a Full stack application - Stage 
II: Wednesday, July 06 to Friday, July 8, 2022
 Stage II Result: Tuesday, July 12, 2022, after 5 pm
MKCL’s Project Trainee Recruitment 2022 - Assignment for Stage II 
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Assignment Topic: Create a Web application for Student Registration 
Screen 1: Login: First screen of application
 Please create user collection/Table in database with username, password, userType (i.e. 
admin, student) fields in it.
 Add admin user details in it so that we can login using that details
User will be able to login using username and password on a successful match you should take 
the user to “Student List screen” (for admin user) or “Student Dashboard screen “(for 
Student user) according to userType attributes
Screen 2: Student List Screen
 Provide link to register new student, after click on this link it redirects to 
“Student Registration screen”in new entry mode
 Display already registered students (fetch it from database) list with following columns
o Serial Number
o Student Full Name (Concatenation of First Name +Middle Name+ Last Name)
o Student Registered Date with time (format dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss)
o Edit link, after click on this link it redirects to “Student Registration screen”in edit 
o Delete link, after click on this link you need delete mentioned student record from 
database, Give Confirmation [Confirmation box] Before deleting employee
 Also provide search, sort facility in student List
Screen 3: Student Registration Screen
 This page will display the Student registration form to submit information, 
The required information to collect:
o First Name
o Middle Name
o Last Name
o Date of Birth
o Gender [Radio Button]
o Mobile Number
o Email ID
o City
o PIN(length should be 6 charters)
o UserName
o Password and Confirm Password (Password length minimum 8 characters) 
 Your application shall store the data in a database after proper validation like 
MKCL’s Project Trainee Recruitment 2022 - Assignment for Stage II 
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o You should not allow duplicate values for Mobile Number, Email ID, and UserName
o Mobile Number will contain only Numeric values and 10 digits only 
o Email ID – Only Valid email ID will be entered 
o Please add any other proper validations to capture data correctly 
 Also you have to store the date-time on which the registration was done. 
 After Successful Saving Redirect User to “Student List Screen”
Note: Add student login details (user name and password) in user collection/table 
Screen 4: Student Dashboard Screen
 Display Logged in student details capture on “Student Registration screen” 
The task is to develop a full-stack web application that persists the necessary information in the 
database of your choice. The frontend and backend could be developed using any programming 


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