Django boilerplate for any scalable WebApp project.
This boilerplate is equipped with users app, celery, django-debug-toolbar, lightbox.js, dropzone.js and cropper.js.
- Login through django admin after createsuperuser command, in users model check active box.
- Logout from django admin
- Restart app and login again.
- To avoid the repetitive tasks of setting up a new Django Web App project. If a project requires image upload, and user login/register functionalities, this boilerplate can be used for easy start up.
Separate app folder containing all apps
- Apps details:
singleimages: To upload single image at a time using django forms and models.
multipleimages: To upload multiple images using django forms and models.
croppedimages: To upload single original image using django forms and models, and then cropping that image(using cropperjs) and storing all cropped images corresponding to the orig image.
dropzoneimages: To upload multiple images using dropzonejs.
Users: A users app with login, logout and sign up pages.
- Apps details:
Reusable/Pluggable Apps
- All apps can be added to other projects with tweaking a little.(Yes few lines need to be added or deleted from settings, urls, and views if an app is removed.)
Secrets.json (For boilerplate only. Preferably add in .gitignore)
- To store database, email backend credentials and the secret-key
- Local static files with, bootstrap
Templates folder
- base.html
- partials folder contains _nav,_paginator, _scripts and other html file
Requirements folder
- Separate for base, development, production & testing
- django-crispy-forms
- crispy-bootstrap4
- Pillow
- Django-cleanup
- OpenCV
# install dependencies
pip install django-crispy-forms crispy-bootstrap4 Pillow Django-cleanup opencv-python
pip install celery django-celery-beat django-celery-results
pip install django-debug-toolbar
- Celery
Ekko-lightbox: To display images in a lightbox.
Dropzonejs: To upload multiple images
Cropperjs: To crop an image at front-end
This boilerplate relies on the following plugins, libraries and frameworks: