🚨 Breaking Changes
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Update pre-commit-hooks to v0.0.3 (#354) @KyleFromNVIDIA
- Defer cuFile feature checks until finding kvikio package (#342) @bdice
- handle more RAPIDS version formats in update-version.sh (#331) @jameslamb
🚀 New Features
- Support CUDA 12.2 (#328) @jameslamb
🛠️ Improvements
- doc: cuda toolkit 12.0 => 12.2 (#360) @madsbk
- Use
conda env create --yes
instead of--force
(#357) @bdice - Prevent path conflict in builds (#356) @AyodeAwe
- Add upper bound to prevent usage of NumPy 2 (#353) @bdice
- Replace local copyright check with pre-commit-hooks verify-copyright (#352) @KyleFromNVIDIA
- Remove hard-coding of RAPIDS version where possible (#351) @KyleFromNVIDIA
- Add support for Python 3.11, require NumPy 1.23+ (#350) @jameslamb
- remove legate (#345) @madsbk
- Update devcontainers to CUDA Toolkit 12.2 (#344) @trxcllnt
- target branch-24.04 for GitHub Actions workflows (#343) @jameslamb
- Add environment-agnostic scripts for running ctests and pytests (#338) @trxcllnt
- Update ops-bot.yaml (#335) @AyodeAwe