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rasmus-kirk committed Dec 19, 2024
1 parent e0f577d commit 21fcbf8
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Showing 2 changed files with 112 additions and 42 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions report/header.tex
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Expand Up @@ -83,9 +83,11 @@
\newcommand{\ranvec}[1]{ \boldsymbol{\ran{#1}} }
\newcommand{\dotp}[2]{ \langle #1, #2 \rangle }
\newcommand{\ip}[2]{ \langle #1, #2 \rangle }

\newcommand*{\SNARKProver}{\mathrm{\text{SNARK}}.\mathrm{\text{P\scriptsize ROVER}}}
\newcommand*{\SNARKVerifier}{\mathrm{\text{SNARK}}.\mathrm{\text{V\scriptsize ERIFIER}}}
\newcommand*{\SNARKVerifierSlow}{\mathrm{\text{SNARK}}.\mathrm{\text{V\scriptsize ERIFIER}\text{S\scriptsize LOW}}}
\newcommand*{\IVCProver}{\mathrm{\text{IVC}}.\mathrm{\text{P\scriptsize ROVER}}}
\newcommand*{\IVCVerifier}{\mathrm{\text{IVC}}.\mathrm{\text{V\scriptsize ERIFIER}}}
\newcommand*{\ASProver}{\mathrm{\text{AS}}.\mathrm{\text{P\scriptsize ROVER}}}
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152 changes: 110 additions & 42 deletions report/
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Expand Up @@ -38,23 +38,52 @@ on bulletproofs if need be:

## Background and Motivation

### Proof systems - Interactive Arguments
### Proof Systems

In a proof system you have a prover and a verifier:
In an Interactive Proof System we have two Interactive Turing machines
the computationally unbounded Prover, P, and the polynomally time bounded
Verifier, V. The Prover tries to convince the Verifier of a claim $x \in L$
where $L \subset \mathbb{B}^*$. The following properties must be true:

- Completeness: $\forall P \in ITM, x\in L \implies Pr[V_{out} = \bot] \leq \epsilon(x)$

- Soundness
- Completeness
- Zero knowledge
- Fiat-Shamir
For all honest provers, P, where $x$ is true, the probability that the
verifier remains unconvinced is negligible in the length of $x$.

- Soundness: $\forall P^* \in ITM, x \notin L \implies Pr[V_{out} = \top] \leq \epsilon(x)$

For all provers, honest or otherwise, $P^*$, that tries to convince the
verifier of a claim, $x$, that is not true, the probability that the
verifier will be convinced is negligible in the length of $x$.

An Interactive Argument is very similar, but the honest and malicious prover
is now polynomially bounded and receives a Private Auxilliary Input, for
example a witness:

- Completeness: $\forall P(PAI) \in PPT, x\in L \implies Pr[V_{out} = \bot] \leq \epsilon(x)$
- Soundness: $\forall P^* \in PPT, x \notin L \implies Pr[V_{out} = \top] \leq \epsilon(x)$

**TODO**: Proof of knowledge

Proof of knowledge is another type of Proof System, here the

**TODO**: zero-knowledge

The above proof systems may be _zero-knowledge_, which in loose terms means
that anyone looking at the transcript, that is the interaction between prover
and verifier, will not learn anything about the witness, $w$, of the prover

Zero Knowledge

- $\forall V^*(\delta). \exists S_{V^*}(x) \in PPT. S_{V^*} \sim^C (P,V^*)$
- $C,S,P$ for $\sim$


SNARKs - **S**uccinct **N**on-interactive **AR**guments of **K**nowledge
- have seen increased usage due to their application in blockchains
and cryptocurrencies. They function as so called general-purpose proof
schemes. This means that, given any solution to an NP-problem, it will
- have seen increased usage due to their application in blockchains and
cryptocurrencies. They usually also function as so called general-purpose
proof schemes. This means that, given any solution to an NP-problem, it will
produce a proof that the prover knows the solution to said NP-problem. Most
snarks also allow for zero-knowledge arguments, making them zk-SNARKs.

Expand All @@ -70,8 +99,8 @@ $R_x$, and he can check the proof and be convinced using the snark verifier

Importantly, the succinct part of the name means that the proof size and
verification time must be sublinear. This allows SNARKs to be used for
_Incrementally Verifiable Computation_.
verification time must be sublinear. This allows SNARKs to be directly used
for _Incrementally Verifiable Computation_.

### Incrementally Verifiable Computation

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,19 +190,17 @@ The proof $\pi_i$ describes the following:
Or more formally, $\pi_i$ is a proof of the following claim expressed as a
circuit $R$:

$$z_i = F(z_{i-1}) \; \land \; \exists \, \pi_{i-1}, \, \text{ s.t. } \SNARKVerifier((z_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1})) = \top$$
$$z_i = F(z_{i-1}) \; \land \; (i = 0 \lor \exists \, \pi_{i-1}, \, \text{ s.t. } \SNARKVerifier(z_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1}) = \top)$$

Where $V$ represents the verification circuit in the proof system we're
using. This means, that we're taking the verifier, representing it as a circuit, and
then feeding it to the prover. This is not a trivial task in practice! It
also means that the verification time must be sublinear for IVC to work
properly, otherwise


- Explain: Otherwise what happens? Blowup?
- Size graph?

### Bulletproofs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,42 +235,84 @@ we can accumulate $n$ instances, and only perform the expensive linear check at
the end of accumulation.

In the [2020 paper _"Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation
Schemes"_](, that this project heavily
relies on, the authors presented a generalized version of the previous
accumulation structure of Halo that they coined _Accumulation Schemes_. Given
a predicate $\Phi: X \to \{ \top, \bot \}$, an accumulation scheme consists
of the following functions:
Schemes"_](, that this project
heavily relies on, the authors presented a generalized version of the
previous accumulation structure of Halo that they coined _Accumulation
Schemes_. Simply put, given a predicate $\Phi: X \to \{ \top, \bot \}$,
an accumulation scheme consists of the following functions:

- $\ASProver(acc_{i_1}: \Acc, q: X) \to \Acc$
- $\ASProver(q_i: X, acc_i: \Acc) \to \Acc$

The prover accumulates the instance $q$ into the previous accumulator
The prover accumulates the instance $q_i$ into the previous accumulator
$acc_{i-1}$ into the new accumulator $acc_i$.

- $\ASVerifier(acc_{i-1}: \Acc, q: X, acc_i: \Acc) \to \Result(\top, \bot)$
- $\ASVerifier(q_i: X, acc_i: \Acc, acc_{i+1}: \Acc) \to \Result(\top, \bot)$

The verifier checks that the instance $q$ was correctly accumulated into the previous accumulator
$acc_{i-1}$ to form the new accumulator $acc_i$.
The verifier checks that the instance $q_i$ was correctly accumulated
into the previous accumulator $acc_{i-1}$ to form the new accumulator

- $\ASDecider(acc_i: \Acc) \to \Result(\top, \bot)$
- $\ASDecider(acc_{i+1}: \Acc) \to \Result(\top, \bot)$

The decider performs a single check that simultaneously ensures that
_every_ previous instance-proof pair accumulated in $acc$ verifies.
_every_ previous instance-proof pair accumulated in $acc_{i+1}$ verifies
assuming the $\ASVerifier$ has accepted that every previous accumulator
correctly accumulates $q_i$.

We define completeness and soundness for the Accumulation Scheme:

TODO: Runtimes
- **Completeness:** For all accumulators $acc_i$ and predicate inputs $q \in X$,
if $\ASDecider(acc) = 1 \land \Phi(q) = 1$, then for $\ASProver(q, acc_i)
= acc_{i+1}$ it holds that $\ASVerifier(acc_i, q, acc_{i+1}) = 1 \land
\ASDecider(acc_{i+1}) = 1$.

Having such an accumulation scheme allows us to create an IVC scheme:
- **Soundness:** For all efficiently-generated accumulators $acc_i, acc_{i+1}
\in \Acc$ and predicate inputs $q \in X$, if $\ASDecider(acc_{i+1}) = 1$
and $\ASVerifier(q, acc_i, acc_{i+1}) = 1$ then, with all but negligible
probability, $\Phi(q) = 1 \land \ASDecider(acc_i) = 1$.

- $\IVCProver(z_i: \textbf{Instance}, \pi_i: \textbf{Proof}, acc: \Acc) \to (\textbf{Proof}, \Acc)$
### IVC from Accumulation Schemes

If the $\ASVerifier$ runtime is sub-linear and we have a $\SNARKVerifierSlow$
that may run in linear time, then we can create an IVC scheme:

- $\IVCProver(z_i: \textbf{Instance}, \pi_i: \textbf{Proof}, acc_i: \Acc) \to (\textbf{Proof}, \Acc)$

- Accumulates $(z_i, \pi_i)$ with $acc_i$ to obtain a new accumulator $acc_{i+1}$.
- Then generates a SNARK proof $\pi_{i+1}$ of the following claim, expressed as a circuit $R$:
$$"z_{i+1} = F(z_i) \; \land \; \exists \, \pi_i, \, acc_i \text{ s.t. } \ASVerifier((z_i, \pi_i), acc_i, acc_{i+1}) = \top"$$
$$"z_{i+1} = F(z_i) \; \land \; (i = 0 \lor \exists \, \pi_i, \, acc_i \text{ s.t. } \ASVerifier((z_i, \pi_i), acc_i, acc_{i+1}) = \top)"$$
- Output $(\pi_{i+1}, acc_{i+1})$

- $\IVCVerifier(\pi_{i+1}: \textbf{Proof}, acc_{i+1}: \Acc) \to \Result(\top, \bot)$

Checks the proof: $\top \meq \SNARKVerifier(\pi_n) \meq \ASDecider(acc_n)$
Checks the proof: $\top \meq \SNARKVerifierSlow(\pi_{i+1}) \meq \ASDecider(acc_{i+1})$

Consider the above chain run $n$ times. As in the "simple" SNARK IVC
construction, if the SNARK verifier accepts at the end, then that means:

&\SNARKVerifierSlow(\pi_i) &&= \top \then \\
&\ASVerifier((z_{n-1}, \pi_{n-1}), acc_{n-1}, acc_n) &&= \top \then \\
&\ASVerifier((z_{n-2}, \pi_{n-2}), acc_{n-2}, acc_{n-1}) &&= \top \then \cdots \\
&\ASVerifier((z_0, \pi_0), acc_0, acc_1) &&= \top \then \\

Now, by the soundness property of the Accumulation Scheme, and instance
$q \in X$ will be true if $\ASVerifier(q, acc_i, acc_{i+1}) = 1 \land
\ASDecider(acc_{i+1}) = 1$, so if all the accumulators $\vec{acc} \in
\Acc^{n+1}$ are valid, then all the instances will be true. This is exactly
the case however due to the definition of the decider whereby checking an
accumulator $acc_i$ ensures that every previous instance is true $\Phi(q_i)
= 1$ provided that all previous verifiers accepted.

### General Polynomial Commitment Schemes


- general-purpose proof schemes as polynomial commitments
- PCS spec

### The Implementation

Expand All @@ -265,12 +334,11 @@ a. The setup has already been run, producing values $N, D \in \Nb, S, H \in_R
power of two.
b. All algorithms have global access to the above values.

This more closely models the implementation where the values were generated
for a computationally viable value of $N$ and $S, H, \vec{G}$ were randomly
sampled using a hashing algorithm. More specefically a genesis string was
appended with an numeric index, run through the sha3 hashing algorithm, then
used to generate a curve point. These
values were then added as constants in the code, see the
This more closely models the implementation where the values were generated for
a computationally viable value of $N$ and $S, H, \vec{G}$ were randomly sampled
using a hashing algorithm. More specefically a genesis string was appended with
an numeric index, run through the sha3 hashing algorithm, then used to generate
a curve point. These values were then added as constants in the code, see the
in the repo.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -543,7 +611,7 @@ Which corresponds exactly to the check that the verifier makes.

What if we add hiding? Well, then $C_0$ becomes:

TODO: Hiding
**TODO**: Hiding

C_0 = C' + vH' = (C + \a \bar{C} + \o' S) + vH'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -675,7 +743,7 @@ As for the $\ASDLDecider$, it just runs $\PCDLCheck$, since we know that
$\PCDL$ is sound the honest $\ASDLProver$ constructed $\pi$ correctly,
we know that this check too will always pass.

TODO: Maybe explain why $\bar{C}, d, z, v, \o$ are valid
**TODO**: Maybe explain why $\bar{C}, d, z, v, \o$ are valid

## Soundness

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