Turns your Raspberry Pi into a OSC-controlled video player.
A fully working image can be found here: http://rasmuskreiner.dk/OSCVideo.zip. Flash onto your own SD-card using ApplePiBaker.
To start the server double click the start server icon on the desktop. To quit/reboot or shutdown while software is running please use the OSC command below. Login details for the smb server is: user: pi, pass: oscVIDEO
OSCVideo depends on two libraries:
- omxplayer-wrapper – https://python-omxplayer-wrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- sudo apt-get update.
- sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-dev.
- pip3 install omxplayer-wrapper. - oscpy – https://github.com/kivy/oscpy
- pip3 install oscpy
Install using:
- cd /home/pi/Documents.
- git clone https://github.com/rasmuskreiner/OSCVideo.git
/background_on - Adds a black bottom layer and removes the command line.
/background_off - Removes the bottom layer and reverts to the command line.
/load - Preloads a video to a specific player.
playerNumber (int): Load the file to this player (1..10)
layer (int): The video layer of the player - currently not used
fileName (String): The file name
/play - Starts a specific player.
playerNumber (int): The number of the player to start.
fileName (String): If file not preloaded then specific the file name (optional).
/pause - Pauses a specific player.
playerNumber (int): The number of the player to pause.
/stop - Stops a specific player.
playerNumber (int): The number of the player to stop.
/loop - Loops a specific player. Should be called before loading a player
playerNumber (int): The number of the player to loop.
/opacity - Set the opacity of a specific player.
playerNumber (int): The number of the player to set the opacity on
opacity (float): The transparency (0..255)
/setPosition - Sets the posistion of a specific player.
playerNumber (int): The number of the player to set the opacity on
x1 (int): Top left x coordinate (px)
y1 (int): Top left y coordinate (px)
x2 (int): Bottom right x coordinate (px)
y2 (int): Bottom right y coordinate (px)
/heartbeat - Requests a heartbeat sequence specific to QLab. (See soon to come template)
cueName (String): The of the cue in QLab that the method should interact with.
/testImage_on - Displays a test image
cueName (String): The resolution of the test image ['pal', '720', '1080']
/testImage_off - Removes the test image
/quit - Terminates the program loop.
QuitProcedure (String): Use one of thees keywords ['shutdown', 'reboot', 'quit']
- Add the ability to use args
- Make more user friendly
- Better feedback to user