In this workshop, we will introudce the Raspberry Pi Camera and Python in day 1, including:
- Camera application, assembly and usage.
- Control the camera through command line or python with picamera module.
- Connect with image tag web service, such as imagga
- The basic of V4L2, pro and cons
- Build a MJPEG streaming server from scratch
The slide is available on Raspberry Pi Camera + Python + OpenCV (Day1)
In day 2, we will introduce:
- Color space, such as RGB and HSV, and the conversion
- Basic image process, including blur, erode, dilate method. How to use Canny edge detection and Hough Transform to recognize the angle of meter pointer.
- Face detection with Haar Feature Cascade, is a machine learning part of OpenCV
- K-NN classification, is a machine learning part of OpenCV
The slide is available on Raspberry Pi Camera + Python + OpenCV (Day2)
Raspberry Pi 3 + SanDisk 32G microSD + 5MP Camera for Pi + 2016-09-23-raspbian-jessie.img
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y festival python-dev python-opencv python-pip x11vnc liblivemedia-dev libv4l-dev cmake python-matplotlib vlc
$ sudo pip install request flask numpy