3 commits
to master
since this release
Interesting changes since the last release:-
- recovery: Walk partitions to delete recovery.bin
- Enable overriding of high partition numbers via EEPROM config PARTITION property
- Walk the partition table if the requested partition is not bootable and PARTITION_WALK=1
- Improve keyboard handling in boot menu
- Enable banklow (and so NUMA) by default
- Use soft-reset to preseve SDRAM contents after ramoops
- Display the bootloader network-install UI for longer on a cold boot (NET_INSTALL_AT_POWER_ON=1)
- Default to 2GB start for PCI bus addresses
- USB boot - ignore RP2 / RP3 MSD device in BOOTSEL mode
- Fix MAX_RESTARTS parameter
- Switch to building the Pi4 firmware from the common Pi4/Pi5 release.
- Update VL805 to 138C0 - fix for handling of split transactions