This project consists of two parts: An automatic maze generator and an automatic Maze solver.
- The maze generator uses DFS (Depth first search) to create a maze from a blanck grid. The generated maze is into a csv file.
In order to increase the speed its better not to visualize them with Pygame (--display=0). Folder Mazes contains 30 mazes generated with this method.
- Three automatic Maze solvers for comparison.
uses DFS (Depth First Search) to solve the maze blindly. It's inefficient (most of the times runs through the whole maze to find the solution).bfs_pathfinder
uses DFS (Breadth First Search) to solve the maze blindly. It's inefficient (most of the times runs through the whole maze to find the solution).aStar_pathfinder
uses A* algorithm (its an informed algorithm that takes decissions based on a cost funtion).
Using Pygame one can visualize the process of solving the maze. When the solution is found, the script backtracks the path to show the solution found in magenta, as seen in the image below (NOTE: Blue colored cells are explored cells that are not part of the solution)
After solving the maze the solution is then saved into a csv file. Folder mazes_solutions
contain all the solutions found using A*, DFS, BFS for the mazes in folder mazes.
Figure: Maze generation
Figure: From left to right, maze solvers: A*, BFS, DFS solving the same maze
- info on A* search algorithm:*_search_algorithm
- info on DFS algorithm:
- info on BFS algorithm:
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To generate a new maze run
python --display=1 --num_mazes=100
- To solve an exisiting maze using A* run
python --maze_file=maze_1.csv --display=1
- To solve an exisiting maze using DFS run
python --maze_file=maze_1.csv --display=1
- To solve an exisiting maze using BFS run
python --maze_file=maze_1.csv --display=1
By default display is set to True (1) and number of mazes is set to 1. To run visualization press enter when the window loads.
- display: 1 (True, per default), 0 (False)
- num_mazes: int (1 default)
- maze_file: filename of csv maze in /mazes. (default maze_1.csv)
--- /mazes
|__ ...
--- / mazes_solutions
|__ ...