libsvg library with a Visual Studio 2017 project. Dependencies are available as well in this repository if somebody wants to compile it as a dynamic library.
All dependencies except uriparser was downloaded from See for uriparser.
Source code was retrieved from - this version has several fixes to the libsvg library.
libsvg provides a parser for SVG content in files or buffers.
libsvg depends on libxml2, and should be easy to build on any reasonable system.
libsvg does not do any rendering, but instead provides a function-based interface that can be used by various rendering engines. See the declaration of svg_render_engine_t in svg.h.
It is anticipated that the primary uses of libsvg would be in small libraries that connect the libsvg parser to a rendering engine. Those libraries, in turn, would provide the capability to applications to directly render SVG content from files or buffers.
At this time, the only known library using libsvg is libsvg-cairo which uses the cairo graphics library. A port of librsvg, (using libart), to use libsvg is expected.
libsvg was developed by Carl Worth [email protected] libsvg was based on code from librsvg by Raph Levien [email protected]