- Fetch runs from API (see https://github.com/rcjberlin/rcj-server)
- Calculate standings
- Export to CSV and JSON
This repository includes the code to create the standings but it will also include the live-results. The results will be pushed during competition to make them available for further use via GitHub Pages on https://rcjberlin.github.io/evaluation/results.
Since the API is restricted to authorized users, you need to specify your credentials in config.js. Additionally, some constants are configured there.
const secret = require("./config.secret.ignore");
module.exports = {
username: "username",
//password: secret.password,
password: "mypassword",
rcj_server_hostname: "http://localhost:5000",
competition: "2022-berlin",
// server
port: 5001,
//accepted_auth_tokens: [secret.rcjserver_token],
accepted_auth_tokens: ["token-authorizing-rcjserver-123456"],
calc_interval: 60,
Install all required packages with npm install
Run the calculation with node calc.js
or start the server with node server.js