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Artificial intelligence to understand RNA expression patterns in different tissues

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Tissue AI

Artificial Intelligence project by Ruggero Cortini (rcortini) and Eduard Valera (ezorita).

1. Introduction

Every cell type in the human body has a distinct identity. A neuron and a pancreatic cell behave in very different ways: a neuron produces neurotransmitters, whereas pancreatic cells don't; conversely, pancreatic cells produce insulin, whereas neurons don't. This observation is somewhat surprising because the DNA contained in both cell types is exactly the same. That is to say, the instructions needed to produce both neurotransmitter and insulin is contained by both neurons and pancreatic cells. A major area of current research aims at understanding where these differences come from, and how they are mantained.

The differences between cell types can be identified by looking at the RNA products of the cells. Modern sequencing technologies allow to measure the amount of RNA that each cell contains, allowing for an accurate reconstruction of the cell identity. This technology is called RNA-seq. Each cell type has its own signature in terms of the RNA that it produces, which can be captured by RNA-seq experiments.

Recently, large amounts of biological data has become available through large collective efforts of publishing experimental data sets. The ENCODE project (ENCyclopedia OF DNA Elements) is one of these, and currently contains thousands of publicly available experimental data sets. Among these, there are currently 889 RNA-seq experiments performed in human cells. This large amount of data renders it amenable to be used in Machine Learning.

The main aim of this project is to train modern Artificial Intelligence frameworks to process RNA-seq data sets and extract its patterns.

2. Objectives

  1. Build a predictive AI to take an RNA-seq experiment and predict what cell type it belongs to
  2. Have the AI predict the expression of a subset of genes, given the information of the expression of a subset of other genes.

3. Workflow

In this section we describe how we proceed with the development of our AI. In all the following, we will define an important variable which is the tissue_ai_home directory, which is basically the directory that you cloned the git repository to. The workflow requires that you set up your directories correctly before starting.

3.1 Setting up the working directories

To set up the working directories, follow these steps.

  1. Download the RNA-seq quantification program Salmon.

  2. When you have a working version of this program, you should proceed with creating an index for the genome annotation that you chose. Something like:

salmon index -t Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa.gz -i transcripts_index --type quasi -k 31

This will create a transcripts_index directory in the directory where you executed this command. In order for the workflow to function correctly, you have to create a symbolic link (or a copy) of this directory in <tissue_ai_home>/data/salmon_index.

  1. Create a symbolic link (or a copy) of the salmon executable file in <tissue_ai_home>/bin.

  2. Download the list of all the RNA-seq experiments in Humans from the ENCODE web site. This is available through a query of all the RNA-seq experiments performed in human cells. Note that this list also contains experiments that have been retracted or have been classified as non reproducible. We will deal with the filtering later. Click on the "Download" button in the web page and save the files as <tissue_ai_home>/data/files.txt.

3.1 Pre-processing data

Once we set up the directories in this way, we are ready for the next steps. In the first step, we download the metadata file of the experiments.

cd <tissue_ai_home>/scripts

In this way we obtain a list of experiment IDs that contain the data we want. The next step is to prepare the directories to house the data we will look at.


This script will create a list of directories under <tissue_ai_home>/data/experiments that also contain files such as that contain the information (raw data file names, and whether the experiment contains single-ended or paired-ended data) that we will then download and quantify. NOTE this script requires the Python pandas package.

3.2 Download and quantify

Now we are ready to download the raw files and run the quantification step. To do this, it would require a substantial amount of time on an ordinary computer, since each of the experiment contains many Gb of information. If you have access to a cluster, skip to the paragraph below, otherwise you should run a simple bash script such as (as usual fill the tissue_ai_home= line with the name of the directory, and nthreads= with the number of threads you can dedicate to the calcualations):

# to fill

# files and directories

# build iteration over experiments
experiment_dirs=$(find $experiments_dir -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)
for experiment_dir in $experiment_dirs; do

  # extract the experiment name from the directory name

  # download and quantify
  bash $download $tissue_ai_home $experiment_name
  bash $quantify $tissue_ai_home $experiment_name


Execution on a cluster

This is to describe our support to cluster calculations, assuming that you have a PBS-like queue scheduler.

The following script will generate a PBS script in the directory of each experiment. Therefore, as a first step you should look at the template PBS file in <tissue_ai_home>/cluster_tools/ and customize it according to your needs.

cd <tissue_ai_home>/cluster_tools
bash <tissue_ai_home> <nthreads>

where nthreads is the number of threads that each of the jobs on the cluster will use. NOTE HERE that the <tissue_ai_home> variable on your cluster will likely differ from the one that you are using on your computer!

When you verified that the PBS files have been correctly generated, it is advisable to test the launch of one of them and see whether it succeeds. If you feel confident that they can all run at the same time, you can execute

bash <tissue_ai_home>

from your cluster. This will also create a log file under <tissue_ai_home>/data/jobs_launch.log.

When your jobs terminated, you can run

bash <tissue_ai_home> <submit>

where submit should be yes only if you want that the script resubmits the PBS jobs if it finds that some jobs have not been executed correctly.

3.3 Post-processing data

We now have a list of directories containing the output of Salmon's quantification step, which can be found in each experiment directory under <exp_dir>/replicate-n-quant/quant.sf. This file contains the transcript-level quantification of the experiment, and is typically quite sparse. A good idea is to transform this table to a gene-level table. We will do this with an R script that requires the libraries dplyr and biomaRt. The former is a standard libarary, the latter should be installed using Bioconductor. Please find the installation instructions here.

cd <tissue_ai_home>/scripts
./5_group_by_gene.R <tissue_ai_home>

This will generate in each replicate folder in each experiment directory another file called quant-by-gene.tsv. These data files are the building block of our Artificial Intelligence.


Artificial intelligence to understand RNA expression patterns in different tissues






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