J implementation of NIF file support. See also: http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/About_NifTools
Currently early draft
Version hardcoded to Morrowind
nif.xml and J *.ijs are expected to be in the current directory
(Polish must wait until after functionality.)
roughly patterened after http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/sourceforge/p/py/pyffi/OldFiles/PyFFI-0.0-1.noarch.html you should not expect to read the part of this codebase any faster than you read the equivalent in PyFFI and if you are new to J you should also expect to spend some time learning the language recommendation: take breaks occasionally, play with this, try to make it fun
parsed nif file currently appears as DATANIF_readnif_ and the orcish table example is automatically parsed when readnif.ijs is loaded.
Loading writenif.ijs currently generates ~user/testout.nif which is an identical copy of the original table file.
migrate testing out of main read/write implementations
render 1 nif object - needs texture support render 2 nif objects render 3 nif objects
print 1 nif object - neglect texture support
editing (need to define supported editing operations)
Exercise editor - do something interesting for Morrowind community
Start supporting other nif versions