A sample project demonstrating the use of the JMS Spring Cloud Stream binder with IBM MQ.
- Java 17 and above
- Gradle 8.* and above
- IBM MQ instance (check local ibm installation section)
To run an IBM MQ instance, use the command below, which runs a script written with makefile, executing the docker-compose file local-compose.yml.
make local
The console interface of IBM MQ can be accessed through http://localhost:9443/ibmmq/console/. It can also be used as a test tool for accessing messages and for managing queues.
- Clone the sample project repository:
git clone https://github.com/mohammedamineboutouil/spring-cloud-stream-binder-mq-jms.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd spring-cloud-stream-binder-mq-jms
- Start your IBM MQ instance if it is not running already.
- Set the required environment variables for your IBM MQ instance (
). - Run the application using Gradle:
./gradlew bootRun
- Once the application is running, it will start generating random price values and processing them through
function every 10 seconds. You should see log messages indicating the received price and generated percentage in the console.
- Easily create a secure Docker image of the application using Jib by executing the following command:
./gradlew jibDockerBuild
NOTE: The generated image contains 0 security vulnerabilities, ensuring a safe and secure deployment.
Initialize the Spring Cloud Stream application through Spring Initializr.
Add the following dependencies to your build.gradle file:
// Spring Cloud Stream JMS Binder
implementation "com.boutouil:spring-cloud-stream-binder-jms:$jmsBinderVersion"
// IBM MQ JMS Spring Boot Starter for integration with IBM MQ
implementation "com.ibm.mq:mq-jms-spring-boot-starter:$springMQJmsVersion"
For Maven, add these dependencies to your pom.xml file:
This section presents the configuration file for the application, application.yml. The file contains the IBM MQ environment variables, Spring Boot application configurations, and Spring Cloud Stream configurations.
The IBM MQ environment variables define the connection details for the IBM MQ server, including the hostname, port, username, password, queue manager, and channel.
The Spring Boot application and Spring Cloud Stream configurations define the application's name, the bean name of the function to be used in the application, input and output binding names, and destination queues.
The MQ Spring Boot Configuration section in the file maps the IBM MQ environment variables to the application's properties.
# IBM MQ environment variables
IBMMQ_HOST: localhost # The hostname or IP address of the IBM MQ server
IBMMQ_PORT: 14140 # The port number on which IBM MQ is listening
IBMMQ_USER: admin # The username for connecting to the IBM MQ server
IBMMQ_PASSWORD: passw0rd # The password for connecting to the IBM MQ server
IBMMQ_QUEUE_MANAGER: QM1 # The IBM MQ queue manager name
# Spring Boot application and Spring Cloud Stream configurations
name: spring-cloud-stream-binder-mq-jms # The application name
definition: priceCalculator # The bean name of the function to be used in the application
price-calculator-out-0: # The output binding name for the price calculator function
destination: queue://PRICE.IN.QUEUE # The destination queue for the price calculator output
priceCalculator-in-0: # The input binding name for the price calculator function
destination: queue://PRICE.IN.QUEUE # The source queue for the price calculator input
priceCalculator-out-0: # The output binding name for the price calculator function
destination: queue://PRICE.PERCENTAGE.IN.QUEUE # The destination queue for the price calculator percentage output
# MQ Spring Boot Configuration
user: ${IBMMQ_USER}
password: ${IBMMQ_PASSWORD}
conn-name: ${IBMMQ_HOST}(${IBMMQ_PORT})
queue-manager: ${IBMMQ_QUEUE_MANAGER}
channel: ${IBMMQ_CHANNEL}
The code example provided in this section is from Application.java. This file defines the main class of the application, which is responsible for generating random price values, processing them through the priceCalculator function, and sending the results to the output channel. The class uses the Spring Boot @EnableScheduling and @SpringBootApplication annotations, as well as the Lombok @Slf4j and @RequiredArgsConstructor annotations.
The generatePrices()
method is scheduled to run at a fixed rate of 10 seconds, generating random price values and
sending them to the PRICE_CALCULATOR_OUT
The priceCalculator()
method defines a Function bean that consumes price values from the input channel, calculates a
percentage, and sends the result to the output channel. The input and output channels are defined in the application
configuration as PRICE.IN.QUEUE
, respectively.
public class Application {
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
private static final String PRICE_CALCULATOR_OUT = "price-calculator-out-0";
private final StreamBridge bridge;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
* Generates random price values and sends them to the PRICE_CALCULATOR_OUT channel.
* This method is scheduled to run at a fixed rate of 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds).
@Scheduled(fixedRate = 10000)
public void generatePrices() {
double value = RANDOM.nextDouble();
log.info("NEW PRICE ==> {}", value);
bridge.send(PRICE_CALCULATOR_OUT, value);
* Defines a Function bean that consumes price values from the input channel, calculates a percentage,
* and sends the result to the output channel. The input channel is defined in the application configuration
* as PRICE.IN.QUEUE, and the output channel is defined as PRICE.PERCENTAGE.IN.QUEUE.
* @return a Function that processes Message<String> and produces Message<Double>
public Function<Message<String>, Message<Double>> priceCalculator() {
return event -> {
final var payload = Double.parseDouble(event.getPayload());
final var result = payload * 100;
log.info("RECEIVED PRICE ==> {}\nGENERATED PERCENTAGE ==> {}", payload, result);
return MessageBuilder.withPayload(result)
- Spring Cloud Stream Binder JMS: The GitHub repository for the Spring Cloud Stream Binder JMS project, which provides an implementation of the JMS binder for Spring Cloud Stream applications. This repository is the basis for the example application presented in this README.
- Spring Cloud Stream Reference Guide: The official reference guide for Spring Cloud Stream, which provides detailed information on core concepts, programming models, and application configuration.
- Spring Cloud Stream Documentation: An additional source of documentation for Spring Cloud Stream, which provides a comprehensive understanding of the framework and its features.
This project is licensed under the terms of the LICENSE. Please refer to the LICENSE file in this repository for more information.
For any inquiries or support, please visit boutouil.com/contact.