This package holds two Graph implementations, AdjacencyMatrix and AdjacencyList. There is also the option to upload a text file that will build and test each graph type.
The file format for building and testing the graph is as follows
---------------------------------------------------------------- Start of file
- These are comments
- These lines are skipped
A B C D * Each must have a space between each vertex
A B * A goes to B B C * B goes to C C D * C goes to D
- If the graph is weighted you need to specify the weight 'A B 10'
---------------------------------------------------------------- end of file
Here is an example from file RichardCG.txt
- Author: Richard
weighted undirected
Common Cities notice they don't have any spaces in their names Fort_Collins Denver Colorado_Springs Pueblo Boulder
Their connections and appox. distances Fort_Collins Denver 50 Fort_Collins Boulder 35 Denver Boulder 15 Denver Pueblo 80 Denver Colorado_Springs 55 Colorado_Springs Pueblo 25
isConnected ? addVertex Vail true addEdge Vail Denver 75 true hasEdge Denver Colorado_Springs ? hasEdge Pueblo Fort_Collins ?
The above tests have an expexted or ? unexpected outcome. If you ask 'true' it will test to see if it returns true, otherwise if you ask with a ? then it will print the answer.