This is a Python demo of Polygon Search capabilities available with 7.2 Redis Stack. This builds 4 random polygons and points via the Shapely module. The 4 polygons are arranged to be layered in containment with 4 points within them. The polygons and points are stored in Redis as JSON objects. Redis Search is then leveraged to show the WITHIN and CONTAINS query types.
- Creates 4 random polygons + points and plots them on a graphical display
- Stores the Polygons and Points in Redis as JSON objects
- Performs Redis geo searches leveraging the WITHIN and CONTAINS queries
- Docker Compose
- Python
Clone this repo.
Install Python requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start Redis Stack
docker compose up -d
*** Polygons within the Red Polygon ***
Green Polygon
Blue Polygon
Cyan Polygon
*** Polygons within the Green Polygon ***
Blue Polygon
Cyan Polygon
*** Polygons within the Blue Polygon ***
Cyan Polygon
*** Polygons within the Cyan Polygon ***
*** Points within the Red Polygon ***
Purple Point
Brown Point
Orange Point
Olive Point
*** Points within the Green Polygon ***
Purple Point
Brown Point
Orange Point
Olive Point
*** Points within the Blue Polygon ***
Purple Point
Brown Point
*** Points within the Cyan Polygon ***
Purple Point
Brown Point
*** Polygons containing the Red Polygon ***
*** Polygons containing the Green Polygon ***
Red Polygon
*** Polygons containing the Blue Polygon ***
Red Polygon
Green Polygon
*** Polygons containing the Cyan Polygon ***
Red Polygon
Green Polygon
Blue Polygon
*** Polygons containing the Purple Point ***
Red Polygon
Green Polygon
Blue Polygon
Cyan Polygon
*** Polygons containing the Brown Point ***
Red Polygon
Green Polygon
Blue Polygon
Cyan Polygon
*** Polygons containing the Orange Point ***
Red Polygon
Green Polygon
*** Polygons containing the Olive Point ***
Red Polygon
Green Polygon