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v1.0.4: Redux Starter Kit is now Redux Toolkit!

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@markerikson markerikson released this 13 Nov 05:39
· 3945 commits to master since this release

As of v1.0.4, we've officially renamed this package from "Redux Starter Kit" to Redux Toolkit!

Please switch the installed package name from:




Read on for details.

Why A New Name?

The name "Redux Starter Kit" originated from the original discussion issue that started the project, which was titled "RFC: Redux Starter Kit". We originally published it as a personal scoped package during early development (@acemarke/redux-starter-kit) for ease of management.

The plan was always to make it an official Redux-branded package. We had an extensive discussion of possible names. The redux-starter-kit package name was already taken, but the owner donated it to us, and we decided to go with it.

The intent behind "Starter Kit" was that "this package is the fastest way to start a Redux project". Unfortunately, as RSK got closer to 1.0, it became apparent that the phrase "Starter Kit" was causing confusion. People told us that they assumed the package was a CLI project creation tool, a cloneable boilerplate, something that was only meant for beginners, or something you would outgrow.

Our goal is that this package should be the default standard way for users to write Redux logic. If people aren't willing to even look at it because of the word "Starter" in the name, then that needed to change.

We put up another naming discussion thread, and concluded that the best options were to A) publish it as a @reduxjs/ scoped package, and B) use the name "Toolkit".

So, the final result is a package name of "Redux Toolkit", published on NPM as @reduxjs/toolkit, and abbrevated as RTK.

Our documentation is now published at


Update all dependencies and imports from redux-starter-kit to @reduxjs/toolkit, and update the dependency versions to 1.0.4. (There are no code changes from RSK 1.0.1 to RTK 1.0.4 - the new published versions are just README, package naming updates, and fixes for the build setup.)

The redux-starter-kit package continues to work as-is as of v1.0.1. However, to encourage migration, we have deprecated all existing RSK versions, and will likely publish a new version of RSK that is empty and will enforce switching to @reduxjs/toolkit.