A simple event logging service written in Python that can be used in mobile or web applications to report any kind of internal and/or API request/response errors or other events.
This service needs Elasticsearch as data store.
Edit the shell script mapping.sh according to your Elasticsearch configuration.
$ pip3 install -r pip.install
chmod u+xwr mappings.sh
$ python3 ./logservice.py --es_server="" --port=8000
Create a configuration file /etc/init/logservice.conf with following codes
description "Log Service"
author "[email protected]"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
setuid nobody
setgid nogroup
exec python3.4 /home/logservice/service/logservice.py --es_server="" --port=8000
Service management
sudo service logservice start|stop|restart
For API details, use Postman and import Rlog.json.postman_collection.