I'm Renato Alves, and I work as a FullStack Software Engineer! I'm passionate about developing with Ruby and React, but also have extensive experience working in flexible stacks varying from NodeJS to Python on the backend, and Typescript, Vue, NextJS, and many other frameworks on the Frontend.
In my free time, I'm the proud maintainer of Fábulas & Goblins, an engaging Brazilian open-source Table top RPG system.
Feel free to support me right here on GitHub to help me continue creating fantastic tools that people can use and enjoy. Your sponsorship will assist in my mission to expand the use of Ruby and React in software development, ensuring they remain prominent tools in the tech world.
Additionally, I produce content related to my work and interests. Feel free to check out my github repositories!
Got any questions or suggestions for me? Drop an issue here, and I'll get back to you soon! 👋