I finished my Ph.D. and I don't expect to spend much time on this project anymore. But I shared it on GitHub just in case.
The code is not super explicit... So if you have questions or issues, don't hesitate to open an issue on the GitHub page, I would answer you when I can 😊.
If you want to use this code or the methods detailed in it, please cite me. I first mentioned this code at ICARCV2020 in the following paper Safe Geometric Speed Planning Approach for Autonomous Driving through Occluded Intersections. R. Poncelet, A. Verroust-Blondet and F. Nashashibi. [PDF]
TITLE = {{Safe Geometric Speed Planning Approach for Autonomous Driving through Occluded Intersections}},
AUTHOR = {Poncelet, Renaud and Verroust-Blondet, Anne and Nashashibi, Fawzi},
URL = {},
BOOKTITLE = {{ICARCV 2020 - 16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision}},
ADDRESS = {Shenzhen, China},
SERIES = {16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision},
YEAR = {2020},
This package is made to be cloned into the "PythonAPI" folder in CARLA. I also packaged it to allow "import GPAD" (see PyPI).
It should run on Carla 0.9.14.
You can check the requirements.txt file.
- is an example to run the GPAD Planner detailed (in French) in my Ph.D. thesis.
- The Common package contains GPAD Planner, World Manager, and Utils.
- The Approaches package contains:
- Common
The MMRIS method is detailed (in French) in my Ph.D. thesis. This method is based on this paper (in English) RIS.
- RIS are calculated for different speed profiles. I compute three speed profiles:
- A brake speed profile
- A constant speed profile
- And an acceleration speed profile
- Paths are computed for each speed profile
- The "fastest" speed profile is selected
The SGSPA is detailed in the following paper: Safe Geometric Speed Planning Approach for Autonomous Driving through Occluded Intersections