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fix code for vanillaJS to call smart Contracts or transfers (#273)
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rtomas authored Jan 30, 2025
1 parent 564b336 commit 2d35e53
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Showing 2 changed files with 76 additions and 106 deletions.
68 changes: 34 additions & 34 deletions docs/appkit/javascript/core/installation.mdx
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Expand Up @@ -141,25 +141,33 @@ Create a new project on Reown Cloud at and obtain a new

## Smart Contract Interaction
## Blockchain Interaction

<PlatformTabs groupId="eth-lib" activeOptions={["wagmi", "ethers","solana"]}>

<PlatformTabItem value="wagmi">
You need to install @wagmi/core to interact with smart contracts:

```bash npm2yarn
npm install @wagmi/core

[Wagmi actions]( can help us interact with wallets and smart contracts:

For this use case, we need to import the `wagmiConfig`from our AppKit WagmiAdapter configuration.
import { readContract } from '@wagmi/core'
import { USDTAbi } from '../abi/USDTAbi'

const USDTAddress = '0x...'

const data = readContract({
const data = readContract(wagmiConfig, {
address: USDTAddress,
abi: USDTAbi,
functionName: 'symbol'
functionName: 'totalSupply',
args: []


Read more about Wagmi actions for smart contract interaction [here](
Expand All @@ -170,39 +178,31 @@ Read more about Wagmi actions for smart contract interaction [here](https://wagm
[Ethers]( can help us interact with wallets and smart contracts:

import { useAppKitProvider, useAppKitAccount } from "@reown/appkit";
import { BrowserProvider, Contract, formatUnits } from 'ethers'

const USDTAddress = '0x617f3112bf5397D0467D315cC709EF968D9ba546'

// The ERC-20 Contract ABI, which is a common contract interface
// for tokens (this is the Human-Readable ABI format)
const USDTAbi = [
'function name() view returns (string)',
'function symbol() view returns (string)',
'function balanceOf(address) view returns (uint)',
'function transfer(address to, uint amount)',
'event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint amount)'

function Components() {
const { address, isConnected } = useAppKitAccount()
const { walletProvider } = useAppKitProvider()

async function getBalance() {
if (!isConnected) throw Error('User disconnected')

const ethersProvider = new BrowserProvider(walletProvider)
const signer = await ethersProvider.getSigner()
// The Contract object
const USDTContract = new Contract(USDTAddress, USDTAbi, signer)
const USDTBalance = await USDTContract.balanceOf(address)

console.log(formatUnits(USDTBalance, 18))
import { BrowserProvider, Contract, parseEther } from 'ethers'

const provider = await modal.subscribeProviders(state => {
return state['eip155'];

const addressFrom = await modal.subscribeAccount(state => {
return state;

return <button onClick={getBalance}>Get User Balance</button>
if (!provider) throw Error('No provider found');
if (!addressFrom) throw Error('No address found');

function sendTransaction() {
const tx = {
from: addressFrom,
to: "0x...", // any address
value: parseEther("0.0001")
const ethersProvider = new BrowserProvider(provider);
const signer = await ethersProvider.getSigner();
const tx = await signer.sendTransaction(tx);
console.log("transaction:", tx)


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114 changes: 42 additions & 72 deletions docs/appkit/javascript/solana/about/programs.mdx
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Expand Up @@ -3,83 +3,53 @@
For a practical example of how it works, you can refer to our [lab dApp](

import {
} from '@solana/web3.js'
import { useAppKitAccount, useAppKitProvider } from '@reown/appkit'
import type { Provider } from '@reown/appkit-adapter-solana'
import { PublicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, Transaction, SystemProgram } from "@solana/web3.js";

function deserializeCounterAccount(data) {
if (data?.byteLength !== 8) {
throw Error('Need exactly 8 bytes to deserialize counter')
import type { Provider } from '@reown/appkit-adapter-solana'

return {
count: Number(data[0])
const solanaProvider = {};
const solanaConnection = {};
modal.subscribeProviders(state => {
solanaProvider = state['solana'];
const url = solanaProvider.getActiveChain().rpcUrls.default.http[0];
const solanaConnection = new Connection(url);

const addressFrom = await modal.subscribeAccount(state => {
return state;

const sendTransaction = async () => {
if (!addressFrom || !solanaConnection) throw Error('user is disconnected');

const wallet = new PublicKey(addressFrom);
if (!wallet) throw Error('wallet provider is not available');

const latestBlockhash = await solanaConnection.getLatestBlockhash();

const transaction = new Transaction({
feePayer: wallet,
recentBlockhash: latestBlockhash?.blockhash,
fromPubkey: wallet,
toPubkey: new PublicKey(address), // destination address
lamports: 1000,

return await provider.sendTransaction(transaction, solanaConnection);

const { address } = useAppKitAccount()
const { walletProvider, connection } = useAppKitProvider<Provider>('solana')

async function onIncrementCounter() {
const PROGRAM_ID = new PublicKey('Cb5aXEgXptKqHHWLifvXu5BeAuVLjojQ5ypq6CfQj1hy')

const counterKeypair = Keypair.generate()
const counter = counterKeypair.publicKey

const balance = await connection.getBalance(walletProvider.publicKey)
if (balance < LAMPORTS_PER_SOL / 100) {
throw Error('Not enough SOL in wallet')

const allocIx = SystemProgram.createAccount({
fromPubkey: walletProvider.publicKey,
newAccountPubkey: counter,
lamports: await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(COUNTER_ACCOUNT_SIZE),
programId: PROGRAM_ID
const getBalance = async () => {
if (!addressFrom || !solanaConnection) throw Error('user is disconnected');

const incrementIx = new TransactionInstruction({
programId: PROGRAM_ID,
keys: [
pubkey: counter,
isSigner: false,
isWritable: true
data: Buffer.from([0x0])

const tx = new Transaction().add(allocIx).add(incrementIx)

tx.feePayer = walletProvider.publicKey
tx.recentBlockhash = (await connection.getLatestBlockhash('confirmed')).blockhash

await walletProvider.signAndSendTransaction(tx, [counterKeypair])

const counterAccountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo(counter, {
commitment: 'confirmed'

if (!counterAccountInfo) {
throw new Error('Expected counter account to have been created')
const wallet = new PublicKey(addressFrom);
const balance = await solanaConnection?.getBalance(wallet);
if (balance !== undefined) {
return `${balance / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL}`;
} else {
return '-';

const counterAccount = deserializeCounterAccount(counterAccountInfo?.data)

if (counterAccount.count !== 1) {
throw new Error('Expected count to have been 1')

console.log(`[alloc+increment] count is: ${counterAccount.count}`);

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