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resant18 edited this page Jan 16, 2020 · 7 revisions



An online route planner maps out walking routes. Its main feature is to allow users to add waypoints along the route and save it as a trip plan to a database. RoutePlan Live!

Background and Overview

Imagine if you want to walk around to go somewhere and want to plan out to stops in some restaurants or even interested to check out some good places. RoutePlan will help you to find the points, collect some info to help give you more detail about the place.

Functionality & MVP

  • User authentication: sign up and log in
  • Users can create a new trip plan by specifying the origin and destination place and save it to a database.
  • Display the route between the origin and destination place.
  • Display the point of interest, based on the category chosen by a user.
  • Users can add the point of interest to their trip plan.
  • Share saved trip plans to others.
  • Add comments on places of interest

Bonus Features

  • Progressive Web Application to give a reliable, first offline and engaging user experience

Group Members and Work Breakdown

Alfredo Sumosa, Lance Wong Tim Scatterday Renata Santoso

November 17

- Build Node.js and React skeleton ** Renata **
- Research on how to utilize MapQuest API ** Tim, Lance, Alfredo **
- Design schema and set up the database
- Design React Global State structure
- Wrote proposal Wiki page and planned work for the week
- Implement user authentication on database backend ** Renata **

Day 1 - November 18

- Create and styling landing page ** Tim **
- Create and styling login and sign up functionality ** Alfredo **
- Create a new trip plan, search a place for origin and destination ** Renata, Lance **

Day 2 - November 19

- Create Trip plan feeds on Home Page ** Tim **
- Showing the place of interest results along the route (backend)
- Save the place of interest to a plan trip database and delete from plan trip database (backend)

Day 3 - November 20

- Continue implementation from Day 2 ** All member **
- Showing the marker of a place of interest on the map ** Renata **

Day 4 - November 21

- Share the trip plan to social media ** Alfredo and Lance **

Day 5 - November 22

- Testing and debugging functionalities ** All member **
- Make demo page ** Alfredo **

Day 6 - November 23

- Complete Production ** Renata **
- Styling all pages ** Alfredo **
- Finish testing and debugging ** All member **