Light command bus.
"rezzza/command-bus": "~2.0"
Commands must implements an interface Rezzza\CommandBus\Domain\CommandInterface
, it should be value object, example:
class ShortenUrlCommand
private $longUrl;
public function __construct($longUrl)
$this->longUrl = $longUrl;
public function getLongUrl()
return $this->longUrl;
A command handler will be called by the command bus when it handle command.
The handler could be:
- A callable (\Closure or a callback)
- An object. In example of ShortenUrlCommand, the bus will execute `$object->shortenUrl($command)`
It'll find a command handler then handle the command. We provide at this moment three command bus:
- Direct (synchronous)
- Redis (asynchronous)
- Rabbit (asynchronous)
- Implement your own command bus with `\Rezzza\CommandBus\Domain\CommandBusInterface`
You can see examples
to see them in action.
When the bus handle the command, and the command handler fail, you may want to re-queue the command to be executed later.
- RetryThenFailStrategy: The command is requeued in a `Retry` queue, you'll be able to consume this queue and configure how many time you want to execute it before it goes to a `Fail` queue. Look at `examples/redis_worker.php` example to understand how it work.
- RequeueStrategy: The command is requeued
- NoneStrategy: The command will not being requeued.
- Your own strategy with `Rezzza\CommandBus\Domain\Consumer\FailStrategy\FailStrategyInterface`
In your console command, you can use a consumer to handle asynchronous commands. For example with redis, you'll do
do {
$redis = new \Redis();
$handlerLocator = new Rezzza\CommandBus\Infra\Handler\MemoryHandlerLocator();
// add some handlers ...
$directBus = new Rezzza\CommandBus\Infra\Provider\Direct\DirectBus($handlerLocator);
$failStrategy = new Rezzza\CommandBus\Domain\Consumer\FailStrategy\NoneStrategy();
$redisKeyGenerator = new CommandBus\Infra\Provider\Redis\RedisKeyGenerator();
$serializer = new CommandBus\Infra\Serializer\NativeSerializer();
$consumer = new Rezzza\CommandBus\Domain\Consumer\Consumer(
new Rezzza\CommandBus\Infra\Provider\Redis\RedisConsumerProvider($redis, $redisKeyGenerator, $serializer),
sleep(1); // yep ...
} while (true);
Examples are the best documentation, look at examples