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Server Routes and Stuff

g-i-o- edited this page Oct 13, 2014 · 9 revisions

Server route map:

  • api/
    • user/
      • projectlist - returns the current user's project list
      • feed - returns the current user's feed
    • project/
      • create - creates a project
      • {{project_name}}/
        • getInfo - returns a project's info
        • sites - returns a project's sites
        • recordings/
          • {{recordings-query}} - returns a set of recordings matching the given query
          • count/
            • {{recordings-query}} - returns the number of recordings matching the given query
          • available/
            • {{recordings-query}} - returns the number of recordings matching the given query, grouped by the most specific level in the query
        • training-sets/ - return a list of the training sets associated with this project
          • add - (post) Adds a new training set to this project.
          • list/
            • {{training-set-name}}/
              • {{recordings-query}} - lists a set's training data associated to the matching recordings.


Name of the project as it appears in the url field.
Query used to fetch recordings in a site. This uses the format {{site}}-{{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}}-{{hour}}-{{minute}}, where each field can be :
  • a specific literal value
  • left blank or with an underscore _ (for matching anything)
  • specify a set of literals with [item1,item2]
  • specify an interval between two integer arguments [start:end], if applicable.
Name of the training set in the project.
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