This is a react based carplay application, that utilised the Carlinkit dongle (cpc200-ccpa or cpc200-ccpm) to provide raspberry pi (and others) compatible carplay application.
- Carplay fully configurable upto 60fps @ 1080p (hardware capability dependent)
- Canbus integration to allow showing a camera when a canbus signal is received
- PiMost integration to allow streaming Pi Audio over mostbus
- Configurable key bindings
- Ability to choose microphone device and camera device
The easiest method is to install via the setup-pi script, this handles usb permissions and also creates and autostart script to launch the app on start up.
git clone
cd react-carplay
Download the latest app image from the link below, choose 64bit or armv7l for 32bit
Create the required udev rules
echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTR{idVendor}==\"1314\", ATTR{idProduct}==\"152*\", MODE=\"0660\", GROUP=\"plugdev\"" | sudo tee $FILE
Make the app image executable - navigate to the downloaded file eg:
cd /home/pi/Downloads
Then run the below command, replacing the file name with the one downloaded
chmod +x react-carplay-4.0.0-arm64.AppImage
Then run the AppImage
The application supports canbus messages when a compatible socketcan interface is present, it will default to can0 (for now). The first requirement is to know the required can message that you want to trigger the camera. As an example in a freelander 2 the parking sensors when active set a bit to true and set it to false when inactive, this is an ideal trigger. You need 3 values to enter it successfully. If we take the below can message
This message is made up of multiple parts, first is the can ID
Then there are 8 bytes
0x13 0x40 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xFF
If we write these out as binary representations they would look like the below
binary - 00010011 01000000 00000000 00000000 11111111 00000000 00000000 11111111
hex - 0x13 0x40 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xFF
When I toggle the parking sensors on and off, byte 1 switches between 0x40 and 0x00, this is because byte 1 bit 6 represents the sensors. This byte could be showing 0x41 in the on state, and 0x01 in the off state, but bit 6 is still the bit that toggles (bits start at 0)
So now we know the three values needed to be entered into react-carplay
- canID = 0x188 hex = 392 decimal
- mask = 0x40 hex = 64 decimal
- byte = 1
In the settings page, click the canbus option, a pop up then appears and fill out the boxes with numbers found for your car (these will be different, unless you also have a freelander 2)
The MOST bus is a multimedia network, to find out more around how it works, take a look here
React-Carplay has the capability to disconnect the cars amplifier from it's current source and connect it to the pi instead which then streams the carplay audio directly onto the MOST bus network. To do this, tick the box for PiMost on the settings page, then enter the fBlockID (typically 0x22 for an amplifier) then the instance ID, the sink ID, the finally the address high and low for the amplifier.
To configure key bindings, click the Bindings button in settings, then choose the function you need by clicking, then press the desired key.
React-carplay uses node-carplay for interfacing to the dongle, recently there has been amazing contributions from both @gozmanyoni and @steelbrain without their help alot of the carplay improvements would not of been possible
gozmanyoni coffee link if you wish to show appreciation -