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DotVVM 1.1 RC

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@exyi exyi released this 29 Dec 08:32

.NET Core support

DotVVM.Framework was splitted into several projects.

  • DotVVM.Framework now contains almost everything except Hosting layer, so it is portable between Owin on old .NET, AspNetCore on old .NET and AspNetCore on .NET Core
  • DotVVM.Framework.Hosting.OWIN contains hosting layer for OWIN, works only on old .NET Framework
  • DotVVM.Framework.Hosting.AspNetCore contains hosting layer for AspNetCore.

Since the common core of Dotvvm framework is not dependent on hosting technology, we had to implement unifying interfaces above IOwinContext/HttpContext, IOwinRequest/HttpRequest and so on. These interfaces are implemented in each hosting layer package and should allow you to write components without referencing concrete hosting technology. We have tested it on our bootstrap wrappers and it worked without any source code change.
If you'd like to access raw IHttpContext/HttpRequest you can use GetOwinContext() or GetAspNetCoreContext() on IDotvvmRequestContext to get to them.

ServiceLocator is now considered deprecated, you should use the new AspNet Dependency Injection. However the GetService<T>() still works as a wrapper over IServiceProvider and in OWIN hosting you can also register services. On AspNetCore hosting you should call AddDotVVM() in Startup.ConfigureSorvices method, see the samples how to do that. On OWIN the UseDotVVM() method takes Action<IDotvvmBuilder> where you can register them.

Route constraints

implemented all route constraints that are available in WebAPI as specified at You can add your own in DotvvmConfiguration.

Bool properties without value

You don't have to type <dot:Button IsSubmitButton="true" />, <dot:Button IsSubmitButton /> is enough, the value true is assigned implicitly.

@import directive

It works like using in C#, you can import namespace, namespace as alias and type as alias.

@import MyApp.Resources <-- namespace is imported
@import RS=MyApp.Resources <-- namespace is aliased as RS
@import Resources=MyApp.Resources.DetailPageResources <-- type is aliased as Resources

You can also import these globally in DotvvmConfiguration.Markup.ImportedNamespaces.

All directives also support generic types with C# syntax:

@viewModel System.Collection.Generic.List<MyApp.ViewModels.SomeViewModel>

@resourceNamespace and @resourceType directives are now deprecated and will not work any more.

Set which wrapper tag can be rendered by control in markup

@wrapperTag span directive sets the tag name (to span in this case) and @noWrapperTag directive suppresses rendering of the wrapper tag.

Property groups

You can map all attribute stating with specified prefix to an dictionary using property group. The Class-... and Param-... attributes works this way. you can have a look how we use the in the HtmlGenericControl and RouteLink controls.

Action Filters splited into interface

You can still use the ActionFilterAttribute, the way how it works inside was changed, so you create filter only for ViewModel/Command/Request.
See #261

Mapping serialization options from code

So you don't have to mark the classes with attributes. Useful when you don't want to mess up your model or you don't have access to that code.
See #262

[Flags] enums in dothtml

You can set these properties in markup. The enum member names in the property value are separated by , or |.

Breaking Changes

  • methods on ActionFilterAttribute / ExceptionFilterAttribute are async
  • property RoleView.HideNonAuthenticatedUsers renamed to HideForAnonymousUsers

New Controls

  • ClaimView - Like RoleView but for claims, renders content only if claims match the specified conditions.
  • EnvironmentView - The one for Environment

Bugfixes, bugfixes, bugfixes

And lot of new bugs ;)

Kind of internal stuff