Convert the output from "show mac add int g1/0/1 | i Gi" to the manufacturer name.
The script uses Michael Huang's manuf python library at Parser library for Wireshark's OUI database.
Requires Python 3.x, json library, hashlib, icecream library
To install the libraries:
python -m pip install json
python -m pip install hashlib
The icecream library is used for debugging.
To install icecream run the following:
python -m pip install icecream
If you don't plan to modify the script you can just delete:
from icecream import ic
# ic.enable()
and any line that starts with ic()
If you do any python programming I recommend that you look at the icecream library for debugging.
icecream on
Useful when you are looking for a specific brand device and have a lot of ports to review. It is also useful when replacing a switch. Run it before the cutover and save the results, then run it after the cutover and use Meld or your favorite comparison tool to make sure all MACs are in the correct port.
The included spreadsheet has the show commands for Gigabit, FastEthernet, the old 3550 and a FEX switch pre-built.
NOTE: To download the spreadsheet, click on it and then select Download. Do not right click and select "Save Link As...".
The output will look similar to this:
test-switch#show mac add int g1/0/1 | i Gi
10 8434.97a7.708b DYNAMIC Gi1/0/1
test-switch#show mac add int g1/0/2 | i Gi
test-switch#show mac add int g1/0/3 | i Gi
10 0c4d.e9c1.4a0d DYNAMIC Gi1/0/3
test-switch#show mac add int g1/0/4 | i Gi
test-switch#show mac add int g1/0/5 | i Gi
10 0c4d.e9c1.363c DYNAMIC Gi1/0/5
Simply paste the appropriate spreadsheet data into the switch and save the output in a text file with the name "mac-addr.txt".
The Python script will clean up the output and look up the manufacture in the Wireshark OUI database.
The output will look simiiar to this:
Number Entries: 53
Vlan MAC Address Type Interface Vendor
45 2c59.e57b.ce46 DYNAMIC Gi1/0/16 HewlettP
45 2c59.e5d4.c1f9 DYNAMIC Gi1/0/43 HewlettP
45 001e.0b08.81bc DYNAMIC Gi1/0/47 HewlettP
45 38ea.a709.cbbf DYNAMIC Gi2/0/18 HewlettP
45 509a.4c3e.61eb DYNAMIC Gi2/0/44 Dell
45 0026.735a.00c8 DYNAMIC Gi4/0/13 Ricoh
Add the IP address
You can use the python script to convert the output of show ip arp
on a core switch to MAC addresses/IP Addresses. It also creates a JSON file that can read. If you create the json file before running you will get output that looks like this:
Number Entries: 53
Vlan MAC Address Type Interface IP Vendor
45 2c59.e57b.ce46 DYNAMIC Gi1/0/16 HewlettP
45 2c59.e5d4.c1f9 DYNAMIC Gi1/0/43 HewlettP
45 001e.0b08.81bc DYNAMIC Gi1/0/47 HewlettP
45 38ea.a709.cbbf DYNAMIC Gi2/0/18 HewlettP
45 509a.4c3e.61eb DYNAMIC Gi2/0/44 Dell
45 0026.735a.00c8 DYNAMIC Gi4/0/13 Ricoh
45 6416.7f93.892a DYNAMIC Gi4/0/15 Polycom
Using PingInfoView
PingInfoView is a great free tool from Nirsoft that takes a text file with IP addresses and hostnames and then continuously pings them. It's perfect for making sure all devices are back online after you replace a switch.
Here is output from the script. Obviously, we don't get the hostname from the switch so I use the MAC Address. When PingInfoView is running it will resolve the hostname from DNS if possible.
PingInfo Data b499.ba01.bc82 0026.5535.7b7a
A Hash of the MACs
I recently was involved with a switch replacement where the first thirty ports were just edge ports for PCs and phones but the last 18 ports had VMware ESXi, alarms, etc. The cables for the first thirty ports didn't get patched back in the same order that they were originally. Re-running the script after the replacement didn't help verify that everything was back because they were in differnet ports.
I added two outputs to help in this situation. The first is an MD5 hash of the MACs. The script sorts them first so the order on the switch doesn't matter. As a quick check you can just compare the hash before and after.
The second is the sorted output of the MACs. If the hashes don't match, just throw the before and after output into Meld or notepad++ and you will instantly see what is missing. In my case it was three virtual servers off the ESXi host so it was nice to see it quickly and be able to correct it.
Hash of all the MAC addresses
Sorted list of MAC Addresses
Here is a terminal recoding of the script in action python3
asciicinema is a cool little python script for recording terminal sessions. It can be found on here: asciicinema