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Scaleable and distributed realtime Sentiment-Analysis for Tweets


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Configuring the software

Before you can run any part of this software (including the integration-tests) you have to create a config file in the root-directory of this repository containing the following values.

twitter.consumer = **********************
twitter.consumerSecret =  ******************
twitter.token = *****************
twitter.tokenSecret = *****************

# optional if you want to use different kafka or mongodb servers
mongodb = yourmongo:27017
bootstrap.servers = yourkafka:9092

# The two lines below should only be there if your Kafka is using SSL. Otherwise DELETE THEM!!!
security.protocol = SSL
ssl.keystore.password = thepasswordforyourcertificates

If your kafka uses certificate auth (the kafka in the docker-compose environment does not) you will also need to create a directory named certificates containing a file kafka.client.keystore.jks (with the certificate+key to connect to kafka) and kafka.client.truststore.jks (with the CA-certifikates needed for the server). Both files need to be in the PKCS12-Format. Python can't use pkcs12-certificates and will therefore automatically create a copy of the certificates as PEM-files in the same directory.


First you need to build the docker-images from the project sources:

sudo docker-compose build

Now start the software stack:

sudo docker-compose up

This will start one producer/webserver, one analyzer one kafka and one mongodb-server. You can now visit the webapp on http://localhost:8080/producer

Running/Testing outside of docker-containers

The easy way

Modify your /etc/hosts file in a way the domains "kafka" and "mongodb" point to . This way the conection to kafka and mongdb works the same way, no matter if the suftware runs inside or outside of docker.

I don't want to modify my /etc/hosts

Ok, then just do the following:

  • In the docker-compose.yml replace KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME: kafka with KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME:

  • Start mongodb and kafka

sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up kafka mongodb
  • Insert the following lines in your config:
mongodb =
bootstrap.servers =

Running tests

cd producer && ./gradlew test
cd ..
cd analyzer && pytest
cd ..

Running the software


cd analyzer && python3


cd producer && ./gradlew appRun