A mod for Crosscode adding a palicat pet, inspired by the palicos from Monster Hunter
First and formost, be sure to have a backup on any save files that is important to you BEFORE testing the mod, a wrong installation could corrupt your save file.
For this mod to work you will need to install:
the CCLoader mod
download link : https://github.com/CCDirectLink/CCLoader
the item-api mod
download link : https://github.com/CCDirectLink/item-api
the templating-api mod (item-api needs it to work)
download link : https://github.com/CCDirectLink/templating-api
Once all mods are installed, you can :
- Download the repository by left clicking on the Clone or download and left click on Download Zip.
- Unzip the zip file.
- Copy the "palicat-master" folder into your CrossCode "assets\mods" folder (provided by CCLoader in the crosscode directory
the path should be something like this : "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\CrossCode\assets\mods")
Once the mod is installed and active, a palicat pet should be added automaticly to your inventory.
You can check if the mod is active in the game's option, in the "mod" tab (provided by CCLoader). If the mod is not selected , select it and restart your game to activate it. You can disable it by repeating the same steps.
If you have any problem, try updating your CCLoader mod and item-api mod.
- Fix a crash when activating the pet
- Update to comply with the new mod database standard
- Corrections so the mod is up to date with the latest version of CCLoader and item-api.
- Some updates so the mod is compatible with CCModDB
- Fixed a BIG problem that made the mod... doesn't work (the mod folder was suppose to be "palicat" and not "palicat-master", both of them are fine now)
- Fixed an exploit that allowed the palicat to spawn more than two vigor wasp, you cheater !
- Improve the AI of the palicat a bit, it now tends to better follow the player.
- The version of the mod was wrong, now corrected.
- The version of the dependencies were... not ideal. Corrected.
- New pet added to the game, the palicat !
- The palicat behave slightly differently than usual pet in battle, check his seek moves !
- The palicat place vigor wasp around the field during battles. Hit them with close combat to heal yourself.