This is built as an example simple CRUD Python API, using Flask, Yoyo-migrations, Postgresql, and Pypika.
- Comprehensive Swagger docs for each endpoint and Swagger UI at root url
- Query the database and use exact search
- Insert new records into database using JSON
- Modify existing rows in db
- URL Query arg validation
- Request Body validation for PUT and POST requests
- Runs db migrations on app startup, if any need to be run
- tracks db migrations and makes it easy to add new ones using Pypika
Install Docker and Python version 3.11
Install Python Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Activate Dev DB
docker-compose up
Run Migrations
yoyo apply
Run API locally
flask --app src/api run
Start by navigating to localhost:5000
in the browser and using the Swagger UI to test out the endpoints.
To add a new column to a table
- Run
yoyo new -m "Add column <column_name> to <table>"
- Add up and down queries to the new migration file that was generated.
yoyo apply
- Add the new property to the schema and model in