Cisco Crosswork Network Insights (CW NI) AS path pattern modification script
CW NI can give an alarm if route AS path contains some specific ASN. For that to happen user needs to configure "AS path pattern" This script was created to automate AS path pattern configuration.
What does script do:
- grabs whole CW NI configuration from user's account
- replaces "asPathPattern" value with ASN pattern given as argument "--ASNs"
- pushes configuration back to CW NI
If ASN pattern should be 41346|48372|34623|80481 (ASNs need to be in quotes, rest or params as in original documentation) run it with:
python3 --key xxx --keyid yyy --ASNs "41346|48372|34623|80481"
which will make AS Path pattern in form of
(?<! ** (41346|48372|34623|80481) **)
For key and keyid - need to generate API key and API Key identifier (ID) in CW NI user account. How to do that
I took script from and modified it for my needs