Go SDK for interacting with the TD Ameritrade API.
Under heavy development as a personal project but free to use if you find it helpful.
AWS Lambda function that accepts TD Ameritrade's POST request supplying tokens and securely caches them in SSM.
populated with your info- S3 Bucket for storing lambda code
- SecureString SSM params with name
Check out the tasks folder to see how to build and deploy the lambda OAuth handler. The basic commands are:
inv build # Builds the main binary and stores it in a consistent location
inv package --s3-bucket BUCKET_NAME # Upload code to S3 bucket, generate cloudformation
inv deploy # Update live stack
inv ship --s3-bucket BUCKET_NAME # All the above
You'll need to have this deployed before you create your app, TD doesn't let you update your app and it's very specific about using exactly the uri you specified.
I've included a cloudformation example which is simply a replica of the cloudformation I'm using with obfuscated env variables. From root:
mv /deploy/cfn/auth-sam-example.yml /deploy/cfn/auth-sam-prod.yml
Add env variables when you get them and customize as you see fit. You can deploy without updating the env vars but you will need to update these env variables for the handler to work.
Check out the .png in docs to get a better understanding of how the authentication flow works.