To archive and categorize my collection of chapstick as I acquire each one. This will help me track which ones I currently own and help me plan when buying new ones.
AAU I want to log into my web app using a Google ID (OAuth)
AAU I want to see a landing page with the logo and a link to the current chapstick collection
AAU I want to be able to click a link titled Chapstick Collection and it take me to the page with my Chapstick inventory
AAU I want to see the list of chapsticks I have currently in my collection
AAU I want to be able to enter a new chapstick to my inventory as I collect them when I click a button titles “Add Chapstick”
AAU I want to be taken to a separate form page where I can see what I have already entered
AAU I will be able to click on buttons to edit or delete chapsticks in the inventory
AAU I will be able to enter a new item into my inventory using the form at the bottom of the page
AAU I will see a text box to enter the flavor, a drop-down menu to select which collection it belongs to, and a box to enter a quantity.
AAU I will be taken to the main collection page where I will see all my chapsticks, categorized by collection, and a button to take me to a review page.
AAU I will be able to click a button to enter a new item from the main collection page
AAU I will be able to submit a review on a form page, that includes a star rating (required), a text box to enter a freestyle review (required), and then the option to choose a pairing from a drop-down menu of existing items in the collection (not required).
AAU I will be able to click a button that takes me to a list of all the reviews.
AAU I will be able to navigate to the main collection page or to the landing page using buttons on every page
AAU I will be able to log out of my web app
- Node.js/Express JS Framework
- MongoDB
- Mongoose ODM
- Google OAuth
- Be able to update and delete reviews
- Be able to sort by season
- Make ratings into stars instead of integers
- Add an alert when forms are not filled out completely
- Link custom 404 page
- Add user icon to nav bar that shows the user that is logged in