The LMS Building Block provides access to integrated Learning Management Systems (LMS) for the Rokwire platform.
The functionality provided by this application is documented in the Wiki.
The API documentation is available here:
MongoDB v4.2.2+
Go v1.16+
The following Environment variables are supported. The service will not start unless those marked as Required are supplied.
Name | Format | Required | Description |
LMS_PORT | < int > | yes | Port to be used by this application |
LMS_INTERNAL_API_KEY | < string > | yes | Internal API key for invocation by other BBs |
LMS_MONGO_AUTH | <mongodb://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DATABASE NAME> | yes | MongoDB authentication string. The user must have read/write privileges. |
LMS_MONGO_DATABASE | < string > | yes | MongoDB database name |
LMS_MONGO_TIMEOUT | < int > | no | MongoDB timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 500. |
LMS_DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION_SECONDS | < int > | false | Default cache expiration time in seconds. Defaults to 120 |
LMS_CANVAS_BASE_URL | < url > | yes | Canvas base URL for API calls |
LMS_CANVAS_TOKEN_TYPE | < string > | yes | Canvas token type (e.g Bearer) |
LMS_CANVAS_TOKEN | < string > | yes | Canvas token that will be used for auth with Canvas APIs |
LMS_TEST_USER_ID | < string > | yes | Account ID of test user |
LMS_TEST_NET_ID | < string > | yes | Net ID of test user |
LMS_TEST_USER_ID2 | < string > | yes | Account ID of second test user |
LMS_TEST_NET_ID2 | < string > | yes | Net ID of second test user |
LMS_NOTIFICATIONS_BB_HOST | < url > | yes | Notifications BB base URL |
LMS_CORE_BB_HOST | < url > | yes | Core BB host URL |
LMS_SERVICE_URL | < url > | yes | URL where this application is being hosted |
Clone the repo (outside GOPATH)
Open the terminal and go to the root folder
Make the project
$ make
▶ building executable(s)… 1.9.0 2020-08-13T10:00:00+0300
- Run the executable
$ ./bin/content
Clone the repo (outside GOPATH)
Open the terminal and go to the root folder
Create Docker image
docker build -t content .
- Run as Docker container
docker-compose up
$ make tests
$ make cover
$ make lint
$ make checkfmt
$ make fixfmt
$ make clean
$ make help
To run this command, you will need to install swagger-cli
$ make oapi-gen-docs
To run this command, you will need to install oapi-codegen
$ make make oapi-gen-types
Verify the service is running as calling the get version API.
curl -X GET -i http://localhost/lms/version
If you would like to contribute to this project, please be sure to read the Contributing Guidelines, Code of Conduct, and Conventions before beginning.
This repository is configured with a pre-commit hook that runs Yelp's Detect Secrets. If you intend to contribute directly to this repository, you must install pre-commit on your local machine to ensure that no secrets are pushed accidentally.
# Install software
$ git pull # Pull in pre-commit configuration & baseline
$ pip install pre-commit
$ pre-commit install