Formålet med dette repositorie er, på nuværende tidspunkt, at eksperimentere med forskellige metoder til at udarbejde en kravspecifikation for næste generation af DDB CMS.
Usecase (PlantUML usecase diagram) Red route (PlantUML activity diagram) Systeminteraktioner (PlantUML Sekvensdiagrammer) Acceptkriterier (Behat Gherkin syntax)
Marcxchange mapping specification (PlantUML activity diagram) Arkitekturmodeller (PlantUML archimate diagram)
- Tilgængelighed
NB. PlantUML Gantt diagram
- Promote content types to frontpage (
- Promote types to frontpage
- Nyhed [boolean]
- Begivenhed [boolean]
- Promote types to frontpage
Mangler afklaring: Skal Paragraphs modulet benyttes i stedet for Sectionsmodulet (Editorial base).
Panelser (
- Available panel panes
- Campaign [boolean]
- all_opening_hours [boolean]
- Popular [boolean]
- Interaction_pane [boolean]
- ding_nodelist [boolean]
- Serendipity_ting_object [boolean]
- ding_tabroll-ding_frontpage_tabroll [boolean]
- ding_event-ding_event_list_frontpage [boolean]
- ding_event-ding_event_simple_list [boolean]
- ding_groups-ding_group_overview_simple [boolean]
- carousel [boolean]
- ding_news-ding_news_frontpage_list [boolean]
Ding nodelist (
- Tilgængelige indholdstyper
- Liste over indholdstyper
- Begivenhed [boolean]
- E-resurse [boolean]
- Nyhed [boolean]
- Side [boolean]
- Standard mellemlagringstid [0s|15s|30s|1m|2m|3m|4m|5m|10m|15m|30m|1t|2t|4t|8t|12t|1d|2d|3d|4d|1u]
- Standard autoscroll forsinkelse for karusel [ms]
- Liste over indholdstyper
- Ding news settings (
- Number of news [10|12|14|16|20]
- Ding event settings (
- Valuta radio:[kr.|€]
- Frontpage Events in frontpage list [3-6|6-12|9-18] Only promoted events [boolean]
- Arrangementer
- Number of events [10|12|14|16|20] Group events by date [boolean]
- Place2book indstillinger (
- Default event maker radio:[list_of_branches]
- Vedligehold kopi [boolean]
- Kultunaut eksport [boolean]
- Passivt arrangement [boolean]
- Kapacitet [integer]
- Ticket type [string]
- Place2book indstillinger - service (
- Place2book service base URL [URL]
- Place2book autorisation token [string]
- Insert Place2book event makers path without leading slash [string]
- Insert Place2book edit event path without leading slash [string]
- Insert Place2book get event path without leading slash [string]
- Insert Place2book update event path without leading slash [string]
- Insert Place2book delete event path without leading slash [string]
- Insert Place2book create event path without leading slash [string]
- Insert Place2book create price path without leading slash [string]
- Insert Place2book get prices path without leading slash [string]
- Insert Place2book get price path without leading slash [string]
- Insert Place2book update price path without leading slash [string]
- Insert Place2book delete price path without leading slash [string]
- Place2book indstillinger - mappings (
- Event makers Event maker [Liste_af_branches]
- Kultunaut age group
- For alle [børn|unge|voksn|ældre]
- For børn [børn|unge|voksn|ældre]
- For studerende [børn|unge|voksn|ældre]
- For unge [børn|unge|voksn|ældre]
- For voksne [børn|unge|voksn|ældre]
- For ældre [børn|unge|voksn|ældre]
- Kultunaut export category
- Børn list:[Kultunaut_export_categories]
- Foredrag & debat list:[Kultunaut_export_categories]
- Internet & undervisning list:[Kultunaut_export_categories]
- Litteratur list:[Kultunaut_export_categories]
- Musik list:[Kultunaut_export_categories]
- Udstilling list:[Kultunaut_export_categories]
E-ressourcer / E-resurser (
Overwrite the default e-resource category text
Mangler afklaring - Kan et overblik over e-ressourcer genereres bedre?
- Ding serendipity (
- Aktivér caching [boolean]
- Cache udløb [integer]
- Grænse for hvornår serendipitetsopslag markeres som for langsomme [integer]
- Serendipitets CQL fallback søgestrenge [string]
- Serendipitet sidste fallback beskrivelse [string]
Ding search service settings (
- bliotekskode [integer]
- Search service URL [URL]
- Authentication
- Use authentication [boolean]
- Navn [string]
- Adgangskode [string]
- Gruppe [string]
- Recommendation service URL [URL]
- Search profile [string]
- Infomedia web service URL [URL]
- Akrivér logging [boolean]
- Cache udløb [1m|5m|15m|30m|1t|3t|12t|1d|3d|1u]
Omhandler rankering og boost af søgeresultatet.
- Search result ranking (
- Enable custom ranking [boolean]
- Custom ranking fields (0.*)
- Type [phrase|word]
- Feltnavn [kilde|titel|forfatter|emne|year_of_publish|material_type]
- Vægt [1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10] default sort method (Best_matched) Type [best_match|general_rank|no_rank]
- Search result boost (
- Custom field boost values
- Feltnavn [kilde|forfatter|emne|year_of_publish|material_type|sprog|isbn_number|klassemærke]
- Værdi [string]
- Vægt [integer]
- Custom field boost values
!(Screenshot of search result page)[]
- Opensearch search autocomplete settings (
- Autocomplete service URL [URL]
- Autocomplete settings
- Max suggestions [integer]
- Minimum string [integer]
Story ID | As a... | I can ... | So that ... |
S001 | Patron | Perform a search query | I can see the search result. |
---------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Flow | Step | When ... [Syntax: actor | action |
Main | 1 | the patron clicks in the search field | the searchfield becomes active |
2 | the patron inputs text in the seach field | the autocomplete function displays suggestions from the Ortograf service. | |
3a | the patron clicks on the search profile dropdown menu. | the search profile drop down menu opens | |
3a1 | the patron selects a value in the search profile dropdown menu | the search profile dropdown menu displays the selected value |
UX oplæg -
[volumeYear] Bind/vol. [volume], nr. [VolumeNumber]
Svarende til:
2018 Bind/vol. 2018, nr. 01
Behanldet i
- FSB service settinss (
- FBS endpoint URL [URL]
- ISIL [string]
- Brugernavn [string]
- Adgangskode [string]
- Vælg interesseperiode [1m|2m|3m|6m|12m]
- Enable reservation deletion [boolean]
- Disable insterest period [boolean]
- Search branches blacklist list:[brances]
- User branches blacklist list:[brances]
- Holdings branches blacklist list:[brances]
- Ding provider (
- Delete provider users that are inactive for [none|1y|2y|3y|4y|5y]
Indstillinger (
- Terms of sale [string]
- Kreditkort typer checklist[supported_card_types]
- Slet transaktioner ældre end: [none|30d|90d|1y]
Notifikation til webmaster (
- Cron daglig afvikling på dato [date-hh:mm]
- e-mail-adresser der skal adviseres ved problemer [string]
Rapporter (
- table:|Order ID|Transaction ID|Dato|Bruger|Tekst|Beløb|Cleared true/false|Paid true/false|Captured true/false|
- Youtube URL'er til
Opmærkning af elementer der skal trackes af Webtrekk.
- Webtrekk (
- TagIntegration Domain [string]
- TagIntegration ID [integer]
- Serviceindstillinger (
- Biblioteksnummer [integer]
- Key (Secret) [string]
- Public key [string]
- Indholdstilknytning (
- Indholdstype [Nyhed|Bibliotek|Campaign|Campaing_PLUS|E-resurse|Grupper|Nyhed|Panel|Rolltab|Side|Webform]
- Titel Default[titel]
- Resumé [Body|Fax|Lead|Phone|Slug]
- Brødtekst [Body|Fax|Lead|Phone|Slug]
- BPI tags [Body|Fax|Lead|Phone|Slug]
- BPI materials [Body|Fax|Lead|Phone|Slug]
- Syndication settings
- Syndicate tags [boolean]
Adgangsplatformen (
- Client ID [string]
- Client secret [string]
- Omdirigér til URL [URL]
- Authorization service [URL]
- Access token service [URL]
- Resource end-point [URL]
- Log ud [URL]
- Databrønd
- Bibliotekssysmtem
- Billetsystem
- Betaling (Mellemværender)
- BPI (CMS Content service / BPI service)
Campaign PLUS (
- Vægt
- list:[facets]
- Facets
- list:[facets]
- Auto generated campaigns
- Grundlæggende radio:[ingen|bibliotek|ord_i_ordforråd|gruppe|search_term_match]
- Facets radio:[facets]
- Object view Aktivér [boolean]
- Søg Aktivér [boolean]
- Notification scan interval [0s|1t|3t|6t|9t|12t|1d|2d|4d|1u|2u|4u]
- Campaign cache expire [integer]
Ding DDBasic opening hours (
- Extended title [boolean]
- Expand settings [dont_expand|expand_on_first_library|expand_all_libraries]
Mangler afklaring: Hvad benyttes denne funktion til?
Ding mobile search - eksport til CMS Content service (
- Eksportér Indholdstype checkboks:[begivenhed|bibliotek|nyhed]
Mangler afklaring:
- Localization server
- Context på alle oversættelser (Skal tilføjes til Code guidelines)
Ding consent (
Mangler afklaring
Undgå at statistik opsamles for lånerstatus og brugerprofil (/user)
Undgå at søgemaskiner indekserer:
- lånerstatus og brugerprofil (/user).
- søgeresultat-, værkvisnings- samt materialevisningssider (/search/ting/)
- Terms of use texts service
- Samtykke (
- Cookies (?)
- GDPR (?)
Mangler afklaring:
- Dynamic backgrounds (
- Ding interaction (
- Place2book migration to new api (
- PlantUML Sequence diagram -
- Gherkin syntax -
- Table to markdown generato -
- User story functional specification -
- PlantUML reference guide -
- Plantuml Archimate sprites -
- PlantUML editor -
- PlantUML source code -
- PlantUML Arhcimate Macros -