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Sarah Goethals authored and Sarah Goethals committed Aug 26, 2020
1 parent 1fe30fd commit 6be8f3e
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Showing 193 changed files with 7,352 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added .DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added RGC AIS geometry 3d.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added RGC_IV_curves_below_threshold_all_1606.npz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added RGC_Vi_from_adaptation.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added RGC_action_potential.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added RGC_adaptation.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added RGC_adaptation_covariation.npz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added RGC_electrical_properties.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added RGC_passive_properties.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added RGC_recording_database.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added RGC_threshold_adaptation.npz
Binary file not shown.
302 changes: 302 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@

Analysis of spontaneous APs of retinal ganglion cells.

from brian2 import *
import glob2
import pandas as pd
import pyabf
from scipy import interpolate
from pandas import ExcelWriter
from pandas import ExcelFile
from trace_analysis import *

rcParams['axes.spines.right'] = False
rcParams[''] = False

### Path to datafiles: load the list of cells used for the analysis
path_to_files = '/Users/sarah/Documents/repositories/AIS-geometry-and-axonal-current/Na currents in RGC/codes submission/data/'

df_cells = pd.read_excel(path_to_files + 'RGC_electrical_properties.xlsx')
first_cell = 0
last_cell = 3 #len(df_cells['Date'])

dates = array(df_cells['Date'])[first_cell:last_cell]
retinas = array(df_cells['Retina'])[first_cell:last_cell]
cells = array(df_cells['Cell'])[first_cell:last_cell]
ages = array(df_cells['Age'])[first_cell:last_cell]
v_ends = array(df_cells['V end (mV)'])[first_cell:last_cell]

### Path to the data
path_to_data = '/Users/sarah//Documents/Data/Martijn Sierksma/'

### Loading and analysing the data
N = 0

selected_dates = []
selected_retinas = []
selected_cells = []
selected_ages = []
selected_sweeps = []

dvdt_axonal_peak = []
v_axonal_peak = []
dvdt_max1 = []
dvdt_max2 = []
v_max1 = []
v_max2 = []
dvdt_somatic_onset = []
v_somatic_onset = []

ap_onsets = []
rise_times = []
spike_widths = []
ap_peaks = []
ap_amplitude = []

for date, retina, cell, age in zip(dates, retinas, cells, ages):
print ('----------------')
print (date, retina, cell)

### Path to spontaneous activity data
path_to_cell = path_to_data + str(int(date)) + "*/" + '/retina '+ str(retina) +'/cell ' + str(int(cell))
path_to_cc_cont = glob2.glob(path_to_cell + '/CC cont/' + '*' + ".abf")
print (path_to_cc_cont)

if len(path_to_cc_cont) > 0:
abf = pyabf.ABF(path_to_cc_cont[0])
V = abf.sweepY * mV
fs = abf.dataRate * Hz # sampling rate
dt = 1./fs
t = dt*arange(len(V))

### Analysis of AP shape (first spontaneous spike)
# First spike
spike_times = find_spikes_at(V, dt/ms, -20.*mV)/(dt/ms)
if len(spike_times) > 0:
idx_spike1 = int(spike_times[0] )
print ('Spike at:', idx_spike1)
else: # no spike in CC cont
print ('No spike in CC cont recording')

# AP shape analysis
if len(V[idx_spike1-100:idx_spike1]) == 0:
elif mean(V[idx_spike1-100:idx_spike1])/mV > 20.:
# Add the cell to the list of selected cells

# Interpolating V and computing dV and d2V
f = V[idx_spike1-70:idx_spike1+30]
t_spike = t[idx_spike1-70:idx_spike1+30]
t_new = (t_spike[:-1] + t_spike[1:])/2
v = (f[:-1] + f[1:])/2
dv = (f[1:] - f[:-1])/dt
ddv = (dv[1:] - dv[:-1])/dt # shift of dt: add 1 !!! (f[2:] - 2*f[1:-1] + f[:-2])/dt**2 #

# AP peak
idx_peak = argmax(v)

# Spike onset
spike_onset = spike_onsets(v, criterion = 20*volt/second * dt, v_peak = -30.*mV)

if len(spike_onset) > 0:
if v[spike_onset[0]] > 0:
spike_onset = spike_onsets(v/mV, v_peak = -30.)

print ('Onset:', spike_onset)
idx_ax_onset = spike_onset[0] - 1 # because the function shifts by +1

# Global max of dvdt after spike onset
dvdt_max = argmax(dv[idx_ax_onset:]) + idx_ax_onset
# Global max of the dV^2/dt^2
ddvdt_max = argmax(ddv[idx_ax_onset:]) + idx_ax_onset

# The global max of dvdt can be in the axonal component:
# we look for an inflexion point between the onset and the max dvdt:
# if yes: it is the axonal max, the global max is somatic max
# if not: the global max is axonal max
inflexion_before_global_max = where([ddv[i]*ddv[i+1]<0 for i in range(idx_ax_onset+1, dvdt_max-2)])[0]
print(dvdt_max, inflexion_before_global_max + idx_ax_onset+1)

if len(inflexion_before_global_max) < 1: # the global max is the axonal max
# the axonal max might not be a local max,
# so we verifiy that there is no decceleration between spike onset and the max
if ddvdt_max != idx_ax_onset:
ddvdt_min = argmin(ddv[idx_ax_onset+1:ddvdt_max+1])+ idx_ax_onset + 1 + 1
ddvdt_min = argmin(ddv[idx_ax_onset:ddvdt_max+1])+ idx_ax_onset + 1
# axonal max
idx_dvdt_max1 = ddvdt_min
# somatic max
idx_dvdt_max2 = dvdt_max

# we look for the somatic max as the next inflexion point
if len(where([ddv[i]*ddv[i+1]<0 for i in range(dvdt_max+1, idx_peak)])[0]) != 0 : # if another local max after the global max
print('Global max is axonal max')
ddvdt_min = dvdt_max
extr = where([ddv[i]*ddv[i+1]<0 for i in range(dvdt_max+1, idx_peak)])[0] + dvdt_max + 1 + 1
dvdt_max = array(extr)[argmax(dv[extr])]
# axonal max
idx_dvdt_max1 = ddvdt_min
# somatic max
idx_dvdt_max2 = dvdt_max
elif ddvdt_min == ddvdt_max:
ddvdt_min = argmin(ddv[idx_ax_onset+1:ddvdt_max])+ ddvdt_max + 1 + 1
# axonal max
idx_dvdt_max1 = ddvdt_min
# somatic max
idx_dvdt_max2 = dvdt_max
elif dv[ddvdt_min] < dv[idx_ax_onset]:
ddvdt_min = argmin(ddv[idx_ax_onset:dvdt_max+1])+ idx_ax_onset + 1
# axonal max
idx_dvdt_max1 = ddvdt_min
# somatic max
idx_dvdt_max2 = dvdt_max
else: # the global max is the somatic max
print('Global max is somatic max')
# axonal max
idx_dvdt_max1 = inflexion_before_global_max[0] + idx_ax_onset + 1 + 1
# somatic max
idx_dvdt_max2 = dvdt_max

print(idx_dvdt_max1, idx_dvdt_max2)

# Somatic regeneration as the max acceleration between the two local max
ddvdt_max_between = argmax(ddv[idx_dvdt_max1:idx_dvdt_max2]) + idx_dvdt_max1
idx_som_onset = ddvdt_max_between
print (ddv[idx_dvdt_max1:idx_dvdt_max2])

t_dvdt_max1 = t_new[idx_dvdt_max1]/ms
t_dvdt_max2 = t_new[idx_dvdt_max2]/ms
dv_dvdt_max1 = dv[idx_dvdt_max1]/(mV/ms)
dv_dvdt_max2 = dv[idx_dvdt_max2]/(mV/ms)
v_dvdt_max1 = v[idx_dvdt_max1]/mV
v_dvdt_max2 = v[idx_dvdt_max2]/mV

t_ax_onset = t_new[idx_ax_onset]/ms
v_ax_onset = v[idx_ax_onset]/mV
dvdt_ax_onset = dv[idx_ax_onset]/(mV/ms)

t_som_onset = t_new[idx_som_onset]/ms
v_som_onset = v[idx_som_onset]/mV
dvdt_som_onset = dv[idx_som_onset]/(mV/ms)


N +=1

### Plotting
f1 = figure('AP %i, %s, %i' %(date, retina, cell), (10,8))

# V vs t
plot(t_new/ms, v/mV, 'k-')
plot(t_ax_onset, v_ax_onset, 'bo', label='spike onset')
plot(t_dvdt_max1, v_dvdt_max1, 'ro', label='first max dV/dt')
plot(t_dvdt_max2, v_dvdt_max2, 'go', label='second max dV/dt')
plot(t_som_onset, v_som_onset, 'yo', label='somatic regeneration')
ylabel('V (mV)')
xlabel('t (ms)')

# dV vs t
plot(t_new/ms, dv, 'k-')
plot(t_ax_onset, dvdt_ax_onset, 'bo')
plot(t_dvdt_max2, dv_dvdt_max2, 'go')
plot(t_dvdt_max1, dv_dvdt_max1, 'ro')
plot(t_som_onset, dvdt_som_onset, 'yo')
ylabel('dV/dt (mV/ms)')
xlabel('t (ms)')

# dV vs V (phase plot)
plot(v/mV, dv, 'k-')
plot(v_ax_onset, dvdt_ax_onset, 'bo')
plot(v_dvdt_max2, dv_dvdt_max2, 'go')
plot(v_dvdt_max1, dv_dvdt_max1, 'ro')
plot(v_som_onset, dvdt_som_onset, 'yo')
ylabel('dV/dt (mV/ms)')
xlabel('V (mV)')

# d2V vs t
plot(t_new[:-1]/ms, ddv, 'k-')
plot(t_ax_onset, ddv[idx_ax_onset], 'bo')
plot(t_dvdt_max2, ddv[idx_dvdt_max2], 'go')
plot(t_dvdt_max1, ddv[idx_dvdt_max1], 'ro')
plot(t_som_onset, ddv[idx_som_onset], 'yo')
ylabel('d2V/dt2 (mV/ms2)')
xlabel('t (ms)')



# ### Write the results in an excel file

# df_select_cells = pd.DataFrame({'Date': selected_dates,
# 'Retina': selected_retinas,
# 'Cell': selected_cells,
# 'Age': selected_ages,
# 'AP onset': ap_onsets,
# 'dvdt max1': dvdt_max1,
# 'dvdt max2': dvdt_max2,
# 'v max1': v_max1,
# 'v max2': v_max2,
# 'dvdt somatic onset': dvdt_somatic_onset,
# 'v somatic onset': v_somatic_onset
# })

# save_path = '/Users/sarahgoethals/Dropbox/Spike initiation/PhD projects/Axonal current and AIS geometry/Data patch/RGC/'
# df_select_cells.to_excel(save_path + "RGC_action_potential.xlsx", \
# columns=['Date','Retina','Cell','Age','AP onset',\
# 'dvdt max1', 'dvdt max2', 'v max1', 'v max2', \
# 'dvdt somatic onset', 'v somatic onset'])


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