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Gruvbox color scheme for Android Material Design 3 in Jetpack Compose Kotlin

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The Grubvox color scheme for Android is inspired by the colors from gruvbox.

Gruvbox Dark Mode Grubvox Light Mode
Main screen dark Main screen light

Color Mapping

Color roles for Material Components (described here) are mapped to the gruvbox colors as follows:

Color name Color code Color roles in dark mode Color roles in light mode
dark0_hard #1d2021 #1d2021 On Primary, On Secondary, On Tertiary, On Error, Surface Container Lowest On Surface, On Background
dark0 #282828 #282828 Surface, Surface Bright, Background Inverse Surface, On Primary Container, On Primary Fixed, On Secondary Container, On Tertiary Container, On Secondary Fixed, On Tertiary Fixed
dark0_soft #32302f #32302f Inverse On Surface On Surface Variant, On Primary Fixed Variant, On Secondary Fixed Variant, On Tertiary Fixed Variant
dark1 #3c3836 #3c3836 Surface Container Low -
dark2 #504945 #504945 Surface Container, Surface Variant Outline
dark3 #665c54 #665c54 Surface Container High -
dark4 #7c6f64 #7c6f64 Surface Container Highest Surface Dim
gray_245 #928374 #928374 Outline Variant Outline Variant
light0_hard #f9f5d7 #f9f5d7 On Surface, On Background On Primary, On Secondary, On Tertiary, On Error, Surface Container Lowest
light0 #fbf1c7 #fbf1c7 Inverse Surface, On Primary Container, On Primary Fixed, On Secondary Container, On Tertiary Container, On Secondary Fixed, On Tertiary Fixed Surface, Surface Bright, Background
light0_soft #f2e5bc #f2e5bc On Surface Variant, On Primary Fixed Variant, On Secondary Fixed Variant, On Tertiary Fixed Variant Inverse On Surface
light1 #ebdbb2 #ebdbb2 - Surface Container Low
light2 #d5c4a1 #d5c4a1 Outline Surface Container, Surface Variant
light3 #bdae93 #bdae93 - Surface Container High
light4 #a89984 #a89984 Surface Dim Surface Container Highest
light5 #e8cacf #e8cacf Error Container Error Container
bright_red #fb4934 #fb4934 Error -
bright_green #b8bb26 #b8bb26 - -
bright_yellow #fabd2f #fabd2f - -
bright_blue #83a598 #83a598 Primary Fixed Dim -
bright_purple #d3869b #d3869b - -
bright_aqua #8ec07c #8ec07c - -
bright_orange #fe8019 #fe8019 Tertiary Fixed Dim -
neutral_red #cc241d #cc241d On Error Container Error
neutral_green #98971a #98971a Secondary Fixed Dim Secondary
neutral_yellow #d79921 #d79921 - Primary Container, Primary Fixed, Inverse Primary
neutral_blue #458588 #458588 Secondary Tertiary
neutral_purple #b16286 #b16286 Tertiary Tertiary Container, Tertiary Fixed
neutral_aqua #689d6a #689d6a Primary Secondary Container, Secondary Fixed
neutral_orange #d65d0e #d65d0e Tertiary Container, Tertiary Fixed Primary
faded_red #9d0006 #9d0006 - On Error Container
faded_green #79740e #79740e Secondary Container, Secondary Fixed -
faded_yellow #b57614 #b57614 - Primary Fixed Dim
faded_blue #076678 #076678 Primary Container, Primary Fixed, Inverse Primary -
faded_purple #8f3f71 #8f3f71 - Tertiary Fixed Dim
faded_aqua #427b58 #427b58 - Secondary Fixed Dim
faded_orange #af3a03 #af3a03 - -
black #000000 #000000 Scrim, Shadow Scrim, Shadow, Surface Tint
white #ffffff #ffffff Surface Tint -

How does it look like?

  • Dark mode Dark mode
  • Light mode Dark mode


Copy and paste the contents of the following files (in ui/theme) into your Android Jetpack Compose project:

package com.example.gruvboxandroid.ui.theme // change to your project name here


val Dark0Hard = Color(0xFF1D2021)
val Dark0 = Color(0xFF282828)
val Dark0Soft = Color(0xFF32302F)
val Dark1 = Color(0xFF3C3836)
val Dark2 = Color(0xFF504945)
val Dark3 = Color(0xFF665C54)
val Dark4 = Color(0xFF7C6F64)

val Gray = Color(0xFF928374)

val Light0Hard = Color(0xFFF9F5D7)
val Light0 = Color(0xFFFBF1C7)
val Light0Soft = Color(0xFFF2E5BC)
val Light1 = Color(0xFFEBDBB2)
val Light2 = Color(0xFFD5C4A1)
val Light3 = Color(0xFFBDAE93)
val Light4 = Color(0xFFA89984)
val Light5 = Color(0XFFE8CACF)

val BrightRed = Color(0xFFFB4934)
val BrightGreen = Color(0xFFB8BB26)
val BrightYellow = Color(0xFFFABD2F)
val BrightBlue = Color(0xFF83A598)
val BrightPurple = Color(0xFFD3869B)
val BrightAqua = Color(0xFF8EC07C)
val BrightOrange = Color(0xFFFE8019)

val NeutralRed = Color(0xFFCC241D)
val NeutralGreen = Color(0xFF98971A)
val NeutralYellow = Color(0xFFD79921)
val NeutralBlue = Color(0xFF458588)
val NeutralPurple = Color(0xFFB16286)
val NeutralAqua = Color(0xFF689D6A)
val NeutralOrange = Color(0xFFD65D0E)

val FadedRed = Color(0xFF9D0006)
val FadedGreen = Color(0xFF79740E)
val FadedYellow = Color(0xFFB57614)
val FadedBlue = Color(0xFF076678)
val FadedPurple = Color(0xFF8F3F71)
val FadedAqua = Color(0xFF427B58)
val FadedOrange = Color(0xFFAF3A03)

val Black = Color(0xFF000000)
val White = Color(0xFFFFFFFF)
package com.example.gruvboxandroid.ui.theme // change to your project name here

// Light theme
val gb_light_primary = NeutralOrange
val gb_light_onPrimary = Light0Hard
val gb_light_primaryContainer = NeutralYellow
val gb_light_onPrimaryContainer = Dark0
val gb_light_secondary = NeutralGreen
val gb_light_onSecondary = Light0Hard
val gb_light_secondaryContainer = NeutralAqua
val gb_light_onSecondaryContainer = Dark0
val gb_light_tertiary = NeutralBlue
val gb_light_onTertiary = Light0Hard
val gb_light_tertiaryContainer = NeutralPurple
val gb_light_onTertiaryContainer = Dark0
val gb_light_error = NeutralRed
val gb_light_errorContainer = Light5
val gb_light_onError = Light0Hard
val gb_light_onErrorContainer = FadedRed
val gb_light_primaryFixed = NeutralYellow
val gb_light_primaryFixedDim = FadedYellow
val gb_light_onPrimaryFixed = Dark0
val gb_light_onPrimaryFixedVariant = Dark0Soft
val gb_light_secondaryFixed = NeutralAqua
val gb_light_secondaryFixedDim = FadedAqua
val gb_light_onSecondaryFixed = Dark0
val gb_light_onSecondaryFixedVariant = Dark0Soft
val gb_light_tertiaryFixed = NeutralPurple
val gb_light_tertiaryFixedDim = FadedPurple
val gb_light_onTertiaryFixed = Dark0
val gb_light_onTertiaryFixedVariant = Dark0Soft
val gb_light_surfaceDim = Dark4
val gb_light_surface = Light0
val gb_light_surfaceBright = Light0
val gb_light_surfaceVariant = Light2
val gb_light_surfaceTint = Black
val gb_light_surfaceContainerLowest = Light0Hard
val gb_light_surfaceContainerLow = Light1
val gb_light_surfaceContainer = Light2
val gb_light_surfaceContainerHigh = Light3
val gb_light_surfaceContainerHighest = Light4
val gb_light_onSurface = Dark0Hard
val gb_light_onSurfaceVariant = Dark0Soft
val gb_light_outline = Dark2
val gb_light_outlineVariant = Gray
val gb_light_inverseSurface = Dark0
val gb_light_inverseOnSurface = Light0Soft
val gb_light_inversePrimary = NeutralYellow
val gb_light_background = Light0
val gb_light_onBackground = Dark0Hard
val gb_light_scrim = Black
val gb_light_shadow = Black

// Dark theme
val gb_dark_primary = NeutralAqua
val gb_dark_onPrimary = Dark0Hard
val gb_dark_primaryContainer = FadedBlue
val gb_dark_onPrimaryContainer = Light0
val gb_dark_secondary = NeutralBlue
val gb_dark_onSecondary = Dark0Hard
val gb_dark_secondaryContainer = FadedGreen
val gb_dark_onSecondaryContainer = Light0
val gb_dark_tertiary = NeutralPurple
val gb_dark_onTertiary = Dark0Hard
val gb_dark_tertiaryContainer = NeutralOrange
val gb_dark_onTertiaryContainer = Light0
val gb_dark_error = BrightRed
val gb_dark_errorContainer = Light5
val gb_dark_onError = Dark0Hard
val gb_dark_onErrorContainer = NeutralRed
val gb_dark_primaryFixed = FadedBlue
val gb_dark_primaryFixedDim = BrightBlue
val gb_dark_onPrimaryFixed = Light0
val gb_dark_onPrimaryFixedVariant = Light0Soft
val gb_dark_secondaryFixed = FadedGreen
val gb_dark_secondaryFixedDim = NeutralGreen
val gb_dark_onSecondaryFixed = Light0
val gb_dark_onSecondaryFixedVariant = Light0Soft
val gb_dark_tertiaryFixed = NeutralOrange
val gb_dark_tertiaryFixedDim = BrightOrange
val gb_dark_onTertiaryFixed = Light0
val gb_dark_onTertiaryFixedVariant = Light0Soft
val gb_dark_surfaceDim = Light4
val gb_dark_surface = Dark0
val gb_dark_surfaceBright = Dark0
val gb_dark_surfaceVariant = Dark2
val gb_dark_surfaceTint = White
val gb_dark_surfaceContainerLowest = Dark0Hard
val gb_dark_surfaceContainerLow = Dark1
val gb_dark_surfaceContainer = Dark2
val gb_dark_surfaceContainerHigh = Dark3
val gb_dark_surfaceContainerHighest = Dark4
val gb_dark_onSurface = Light0Hard
val gb_dark_onSurfaceVariant = Light0Soft
val gb_dark_outline = Light2
val gb_dark_outlineVariant = Gray
val gb_dark_inverseSurface = Light0
val gb_dark_inverseOnSurface = Dark0Soft
val gb_dark_inversePrimary = FadedBlue
val gb_dark_background = Dark0
val gb_dark_onBackground = Light0Hard
val gb_dark_scrim = Black
val gb_dark_shadow = Black
package com.example.gruvboxandroid.ui.theme // change to your project name here

import androidx.compose.material3.MaterialTheme
import androidx.compose.material3.darkColorScheme
import androidx.compose.material3.lightColorScheme
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.SideEffect
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalView
import androidx.core.view.WindowCompat

private val DarkColorScheme = darkColorScheme(
    primary = gb_dark_primary,
    onPrimary = gb_dark_onPrimary,
    primaryContainer = gb_dark_primaryContainer,
    onPrimaryContainer = gb_dark_onPrimaryContainer,
    secondary = gb_dark_secondary,
    onSecondary = gb_dark_onSecondary,
    secondaryContainer = gb_dark_secondaryContainer,
    onSecondaryContainer = gb_dark_onSecondaryContainer,
    tertiary = gb_dark_tertiary,
    onTertiary = gb_dark_onTertiary,
    tertiaryContainer = gb_dark_tertiaryContainer,
    onTertiaryContainer = gb_dark_onTertiaryContainer,
    error = gb_dark_error,
    errorContainer = gb_dark_errorContainer,
    onError = gb_dark_onError,
    onErrorContainer = gb_dark_onErrorContainer,
    background = gb_dark_background,
    onBackground = gb_dark_onBackground,
    surface = gb_dark_surface,
    onSurface = gb_dark_onSurface,
    surfaceVariant = gb_dark_surfaceVariant,
    onSurfaceVariant = gb_dark_onSurfaceVariant,
    outline = gb_dark_outline,
    inverseOnSurface = gb_dark_inverseOnSurface,
    inverseSurface = gb_dark_inverseSurface,
    inversePrimary = gb_dark_inversePrimary,
    surfaceTint = gb_dark_surfaceTint,
    outlineVariant = gb_dark_outlineVariant,
    scrim = gb_dark_scrim,
    surfaceBright = gb_dark_surfaceBright,
    surfaceContainer = gb_dark_surfaceContainer,
    surfaceContainerHigh = gb_dark_surfaceContainerHigh,
    surfaceContainerHighest = gb_dark_surfaceContainerHighest,
    surfaceContainerLow = gb_dark_surfaceContainerLow,
    surfaceContainerLowest = gb_dark_surfaceContainerLowest,
    surfaceDim = gb_dark_surfaceDim,

private val LightColorScheme = lightColorScheme(
    primary = gb_light_primary,
    onPrimary = gb_light_onPrimary,
    primaryContainer = gb_light_primaryContainer,
    onPrimaryContainer = gb_light_onPrimaryContainer,
    secondary = gb_light_secondary,
    onSecondary = gb_light_onSecondary,
    secondaryContainer = gb_light_secondaryContainer,
    onSecondaryContainer = gb_light_onSecondaryContainer,
    tertiary = gb_light_tertiary,
    onTertiary = gb_light_onTertiary,
    tertiaryContainer = gb_light_tertiaryContainer,
    onTertiaryContainer = gb_light_onTertiaryContainer,
    error = gb_light_error,
    errorContainer = gb_light_errorContainer,
    onError = gb_light_onError,
    onErrorContainer = gb_light_onErrorContainer,
    background = gb_light_background,
    onBackground = gb_light_onBackground,
    surface = gb_light_surface,
    onSurface = gb_light_onSurface,
    surfaceVariant = gb_light_surfaceVariant,
    onSurfaceVariant = gb_light_onSurfaceVariant,
    outline = gb_light_outline,
    inverseOnSurface = gb_light_inverseOnSurface,
    inverseSurface = gb_light_inverseSurface,
    inversePrimary = gb_light_inversePrimary,
    surfaceTint = gb_light_surfaceTint,
    outlineVariant = gb_light_outlineVariant,
    scrim = gb_light_scrim,
    surfaceBright = gb_light_surfaceBright,
    surfaceContainer = gb_light_surfaceContainer,
    surfaceContainerHigh = gb_light_surfaceContainerHigh,
    surfaceContainerHighest = gb_light_surfaceContainerHighest,
    surfaceContainerLow = gb_light_surfaceContainerLow,
    surfaceContainerLowest = gb_light_surfaceContainerLowest,
    surfaceDim = gb_light_surfaceDim,

fun GruvboxTheme(
    darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(),
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    val view = LocalView.current

    SideEffect {
        val window = (view.context as Activity).window
        WindowCompat.getInsetsController(window, view).isAppearanceLightStatusBars = !darkTheme

    val colorScheme = if (darkTheme) DarkColorScheme else LightColorScheme

        colorScheme = colorScheme,
        typography = Typography,
        content = content

In your MainActivity.kt:

package com.example.gruvboxandroid // change to your project name here

import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.activity.enableEdgeToEdge
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import com.example.gruvboxandroid.ui.theme.GruvboxTheme // change to your project name here

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            val b = isSystemInDarkTheme()
            val darkTheme = remember { mutableStateOf(b) }

            GruvboxTheme(darkTheme = darkTheme.value) {
                // your app content

Enjoy the Grubvox vibes in your Android app!


Gruvbox Dark Mode Grubvox Light Mode
Main screen dark Main screen light
Drawer dark Drawer light
Menu dark Menu light
Bottom sheet dark Bottom sheet light
Dialog dark Dialog light
Input 1 dark Input 1 light
Error 1 dark Error 1 light
Input 2 dark Input 2 light
Error 2 dark Error 2 light


Gruvbox color scheme for Android Material Design 3 in Jetpack Compose Kotlin





