This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 28, 2019. It is now read-only.
HeavenMS (Aurora)
Ronan - Head Developer
Vcoc - Freelance Developer
This is NOT intended to be a PURE v83 MapleStory server emulator (acting
under the clean WZ files, provided by Nexon/Wizet). There has been provided
a whole array of edited WZ on the Drive to be used for this server. Although
normal WZs will load properly, there is no guarantee in-game bugs and issues
may arise because of some incompatibilities with the clean files.
Feature list (as of rev398):
- RnJPQ/HorntailPQ/TreasurePQ/ElnathPQ/HolidayPQ.
- CWKPQ as Expedition-based event.
- Expeditions: Scarga/Horntail/Showa/Balrog/Zakum/Pinkbean.
- Monster Carnival 1 & 2 - thanks Dragohe4rt & Jayd!
- AriantPQ - thanks Dragohe4rt & Jayd!
- GuildPQ + Guild queue with multi-lobby system available.
- Brand-new PQs: BossRushPQ, CafePQ.
- Mu Lung Dojo.
- Capt. Latanica remade as an event (parties can now fight the boss).
- Expeditions with daily/weekly entries system available.
- Some skills behaving oddly have been patched, such as Steal, Venomous Star/Stab, Heal and Mystic Doors.
- Maker skill features properly developed.
- Improved current Battleship skill, now showing the HP properly on buff tab and making visible for others after changing maps.
- Server is using heuristics to calculate fee costs for the Maker (errors sum up to 8k mesos, reagent errors stacks up conformant with its level).
- New skill: Chair Mastery (max lv 1) - Players having this passive skill can gain a significant boost of HP/MP recovery when sitting on a field/map chair.
- Mu Lung Dojo skills functional.
- M. Magnet on bosses no longer crash.
- M. Magnet on fixed mobs no longer crash - thanks shavit!
- Skills that use up HP/MP triggers pet autopot.
- Skills that imbue weapon with elemental attribute (WK Charges, Snow Charge, etc) is now visible for other players.
- Doll house quest functional.
- Quests can now reward properly items when matching a reward item with the player's job.
- Quest rewards according to jobs work properly.
- Reward selection and randomized reward work properly.
- Loads of quests have been patched.
- Meso requirement for starting/completing quests now must be met by the player.
- Lots of job questlines (rewarding skills) have been patched/implemented.
- Enhanced rewarding system: checks for stacking opportunities on the inventory before checking for new slots.
- Improved the quest expiration system, one of the tweaks making the clock UI disappear when completing/expiring quests.
- Reviewed Aran questline.
- Reviewed 4th job skill questlines as a whole.
- Complete overhaul on the 3rd job quiz (explorers), with all 40-question pool now made available.
- Quest items supposed to be lootable, as those are required to start quests, shows up properly.
- Exclusive quest items that went missing from inventory reacquireable from NPC quest talk.
- Mechanics for Item Raise functionality operational.
- Players no longer are given movement control just after completing a quest but still talking with the NPC.
- Quests that make use of progress data show up as completable to the player on conditions met.
Player Social Network:
- Guild and Alliance system fully functional.
- Implemented Marriage system from the ground-up (excluding character packet encoding parts that were already present, proper credits given throughout the source files).
- Marriage ring effects functional.
- Beginners can create and join a "beginner-only" party (characters up to level 10).
- HP bar of party members now properly calculates the HP gain from equipment.
- Enhanced synchronization on Player Shops and Hired Merchants. Transactions made are instantly informed to the owner.
- Player Shops and Hired Merchants properly displaying the correct shop image to other players, and informing whether the shop is available to visit or full.
- Game minirooms such as match cards and omok now has a functional password system.
- Item pickup cooldown on non-owned/non-partyowned items functional.
- Further improved the server's ranking system, now displaying properly daily player ranking movement.
- Automated support for Player NPCs and Hall of Fame.
- Protected concurrently and improved the face expression system, guarding from trivial packet spam and exploits.
- All upgradeable non-cash equipment in inventory with level & EXP information available for reading by anyone, given proper visibility.
- Further improved the existent minigame mechanics: remarkably checking out for no-item match requests, allowing different omok/matchcard match layouts and status update on the player matchbox tooltips.
- Further improved the trading system.
- Party Search system nominal.
- Wedding Wishlists - thanks Dragohe4rt!
Cash & Items:
- EXP/DROP/Cosmetic Coupons.
- EXP/DROP coupons now appear as a buff effect when on active time.
- Code coupons functional, with support for multiple items on the same code.
- Merged unique ids for pets, rings and cash items, thus solving some cash shop inventory issues.
- Great deal of cash items functional.
- MapleTV mechanics stabilized and separated by world.
- GMS-esque omok/match card drop chances.
- New scroll: antibanish. For use only in cases where bosses send a player back to town.
- Inventory system properly checks for item slot free space and ownership.
- Storage with "Arrange Items" feature functional.
- Close-quarters evaluation mode for items (sandbox).
- Further improved Karma scissors & Untradeable items mechanics.
- Reviewed pet/item position data inconsistency within CASH inventory.
- Implemented close-quarters trial mode for items.
- Reviewed stylish-related contents, close to GMS-like.
- Plastic surgeons/stylists no longer stuck characters.
- Reworked gachapon loots, website-lists lookalike.
- Spikes on shoes.
- Vega's spell.
- Owl of Minerva.
- Pet item ignore.
- New Year's card (New Year effect sometimes d/c's a player).
- Kite.
- Cash Shop Surprise.
- Maple Life.
- EXP Increase.
Monsters, Maps & Reactors:
- Every monsterbook card is now droppable by overworld mobs.
- Added meso drop data for basically every missing overworld mob.
- Monsterbook displays drop data info conformant with the underlying DB (needs custom wz). See more on the MobBookUpdate feature.
- Every skill/mastery book is now droppable by mobs.
- Mobs now can drop more than one of the same equipment (number of possible drops defined at droptime, uses the minimum/maximum quantity fields on DB).
- Mobs only drops loot from items that are visible/collectable by the player's party.
- Mobs shouldn't fall from foothold too often now.
- Redesigned HT mechanics for spawn and linked damage to the sponge.
- Reviewed aspects of MoveLifeHandler: implemented banish move, patched MP cost not accounted on non-skill mob moves and slightly fixed mobs dropping from footholds in certain cases.
- Limited item count on maps, smartly expiring oldest registered items, preventing potential item flooding.
- Implemented Zombify disease status.
- Added Boss HP Bar for dozens of bosses (needs provided custom wz).
- If multiple bosses are on the same area, client will prioritize Boss HP bar of the target of the player.
- Boss HP Bar and Server Messages now toggles (server message disappears when a boss battle is detected, and returns afterwards). Idea thanks to GabrielSin.
- Improved map bounding checks for item drop points, assuring most of the items dropped will be available to pickup inside the walkable map area.
- Boats, elevator and other traveling mechanics fully working.
- HP decreasing overtime on maps and mechanics to prevent them (consumables, equips) fully functional.
- Crimson Balrog boat approaching visual effect made functional.
- Maps having everlasting items no longer expires them.
- PQs, Taxis and other event-driven situations warps players at random spawnpoints, GMS-like.
- Some reactors (PQ bonus boxes) spraying items on the map, instead of dropping everything at once.
- Reactors pick items up smartly, checking for an option to pick up on many-items-nearby scenario.
- Updated many scripted portals not implementing SFX properly.
- Updated Crimsonwood, World Tour, Nihal Desert and Neo City, enabling quest completion and game progression in these areas.
- Added world maps for Mushroom Castle, World Tour (Singapore, Malaysia and Zipangu) & Ellin Forest areas.
- Added World Tour and Masteria continents in the world map.
- Reviewed World Map's town/field tooltips and links from the main world map and Masteria region.
- Giant Cake (anniversary-themed boss) drops Maple equipments, Maple scrolls, summoning bags and many more interesting items.
- Enhanced aggro system, with real-time damage output target redirection.
- Puppets influence mob aggroing.
- Limited quantity of summons an individual mob can perform.
- Damage Reflect (MobSkill) status no longer lags to display.
PQ potentials:
- Advanced synchronization and smart management of the PQ registration system, as expected for a core server mechanic that is largely used by the players.
- Lobby system - Multiple PQ instances on same channel.
- Expedition system - Multiples parties can attempt on a same instance (lobbies and expeds are mutually-exclusive).
- Guild queue system - Guilds can register themselves in a queue for the GPQ.
- EIM Pool system - After the first instance setup, next event instances are loaded beforehand and set on a pooling queue, optimizing future loadouts.
- Recall system - Players can rejoin the last event instance they were in before disconnection.
Player potentials:
- Adventurer Mount quests functional.
- All Equipment levels up.
- Player level rates.
- Gain fame by quests and event instances.
- Pet evolutions functional (not GMS-like).
- Reviewed keybinding system.
- Account's Character slots: either each world has it's own count or there's a shared value between all worlds.
- Optional cash shop inventory separated by player classes or fully account-ranged.
- Rock-paper-scissors minigame - thanks Arnah!
Server potentials:
- Multi-worlds.
- Dynamic world rates, each world can hold it's own rates from server bootup.
- Dynamic World/Channel deployment. While not implemented here, new channel deployment sensitive to quantity of online players was originally resinate's idea.
- Inventory auto-gather and auto-sorting feature.
- Enhanced auto-pot system: pet uses as many potions as necessary to reach the desired threshold.
- Enhanced buff system: smartly checks for the best available buff effects to be active on the player.
- Enhanced AP auto-assigner: exactly matches AP with the needed for the player's current level, surplus assigned to the primary attribute.
- Enhanced inventory check: free slots on inventory smartly fetched on-demand.
- Enhanced auto-loot handler: optimized the brute-force checks for some cash items on the player equipped inventory at every requisition.
- Added players-appointed bestsellers item ranking system for Owl of Minerva and Cash Shop.
- Tweaked pet/mount hunger: calculations for fullness/tiredness takes active time of the subject into account.
- Consistent experience and meso gain system.
- Fredrick Store Bank now has expirable storage, which warns the player of time remaining and eventually delete unclaimed items.
- NPC crafters (equips, plates/jewels, etc) now won't take items freely if the requirement conditions are not properly met.
- Improved Duey mechanics: package received popup and reviewed many delivery mechanics.
- Pet item pickup now gives preference to player attacks rather than forcing attack disables when automatically picking up.
- Channel capacity bar functional and world servers with max capacity checks.
- Disease status are now visible for other players, even when changing maps.
- Players keep their current disease status saved when exiting the game, returning with them on login.
- Poison damage value is now visible for other players.
- Mastery book announcer displays droppers of needed books of a player, by reading underlying DB.
- Custom jail system (needs provided custom wz).
- Custom buyback system.
- Custom fishing system, having planned 'seasonal' catch times.
- Custom map leasing system.
- Delete Character (requires ENABLE_PIC activated).
- Smoothed up view-all-char feature, now showing properly all available characters and not disconnecting players too often.
- Centralized getcurrenttime throughout several server handlers, boosting it's performance overall.
- Centralized server timestamping, several timestamps received from clients are now unused, preventing some spammable exploits.
- Autosaver (periodically saves on DB current state of every player in-game).
- Both fixed and randomized versions of HP/MP growth rate available, regarding player job (enable one at ServerConstants). Placeholder for HP/MP washing feature.
- Implemented methods to get the current Players' MaxHP/MaxMP method with equipment HP/MP gains already summed up.
- Reallocated mapobjectids utilization throughout the source, preventing issues such as "NPC disappearing mysteriously after some server time" from happening.
- Implemented old GMS AP assigning for novices level 10 or below. Usage of the edited localhost is mandatory on this.
- Implemented SP capping for players that passed the job upgrade level. After upgrading jobs, the missing SP amount is replenished.
- Bypassable PIN/PIC system for players that were already authenticated and are currently loggedin and active.
- Accounts can be created automatically when trying to login on an inexistent account - credits to shavit.
- Usage of Bcrypt (up-to-date) as the main password hashing algorithm, replacing old SHA's - credits to shavit.
- Implemented matching system, on which all involved players accept the term or at least one denies/times-out before an event takes place.
- Implemented support for custom spawn areas for NPCs & mobs.
Custom NPCs:
- Spiegelmann: automatized rock-refiner.
- Asia: scroll & rarities shop NPC.
- Abdula: lists droppers of needed skill/mastery books.
- Agent E: accessory crafter.
- Dalair: automatized equipment-merger.
- Donation Box: automatized item-buyer.
- Coco & Ace of Hearts: C. scroll crafters.
- Barry (MapleTV): fill book & exchange items for scroll.
Server Commands:
- Server commands layered by GM levels.
- Spawn Zakum/Horntail/Pinkbean.
- Several new commands.
- Rank command highlighting users either by world or server-wide.
- Revamped command files layout - thanks Arthur L.
- Optimized Search command, caching search range contents and added map search functionality.
External tools:
- MapleArrowFetcher - Updates min/max quantity dropped on all arrows drop data, calculations based on mob level and whether it's a boss or not.
- MapleBossHpBarFetcher - Searches the quest WZ files and reports in all relevant data regarding mobs that has a boss HP bar whilst not having a proper "boss" label.
- MapleCashDropFetcher - Searches the DB for any CASH drop data entry and lists them on a report file.
- MapleCodeCouponGenerator - Reads the XML recipe at the input folder and loads into the DB new coupon codes bundled with all depicted items.
- MapleCouponInstaller - Retrieves coupon info from the WZ and makes a SQL table with it. The server will use that table to gather info regarding rates and intervals.
- MapleDojoUpdater - Patches the dojo WZ nodes with correct script names for onUserEnter and onFirstUserEnter fields.
- MapleEquipmentOmnileveler - Updates the equipment WZ nodes with item level information, allowing thus access for item level and EXP info for common equipments.
- MapleIdRetriever - Two behaviors: generates a SQL table with relation (id, name) of the handbook given as input. Given a file with names, outputs a file with ids.
- MapleInvalidItemIdFetcher - Generates a file listing all inexistent itemid's currently laying on the DB.
- MapleInvalidItemWithNoNameFetcher - Generates two files: one listing all itemid's with inexistent name and "cash" property. And other with a prepared XML to solve the name issue.
- MapleMapInfoRetriever - Basic tool for detecting missing info nodes on the map field structures (maps failing to have an info node on the WZ is an critical issue).
- MapleMesoFetcher - Creates meso drop data for mobs with more than 4 items (thus overworld mobs), calculations based on mob level and whether it's a boss or not.
- MapleMobBookIndexer - Generates a SQL table with all relations of cardid and mobid present in the mob book.
- MapleMobBookUpdate - Generates a wz.xml that is a copy of the original MonsterBook.wz.xml, except it updates the drop data info in the book with those currently on DB.
- MapleQuestItemCountFetcher - Searches the quest WZ files and reports in all relevant data regarding missing "count" labels on item acts at "complete quest".
- MapleQuestItemFetcher - Searches the SQL tables and project files and reports in all relevant data regarding missing/erroneous quest items.
- MapleQuestlineFetcher - Searches the quest WZ files and reports in all questids that currently doesn't have script files.
- MapleQuestMesoFetcher - Searches the quest WZ files and reports in all relevant data regarding missing/erroneous quest fee checks.
- MapleReactorDropFetcher - Searches the DB for reactors with drop data and reports in reactorids that are not yet coded.
- MapleSkillMakerFetcher - Updates the DB Maker-related tables with the current info present on the WZs.
- MapleSkillMakerReagentIndexer - Generates a new maker table describing all stat-improvements from the Maker reagents (those empowering crystals and jewels).
- MapleWorldmapChecker - Searches the map WZ files for map/field entries with missing tooltip informations (that would point which map the character currently is on the overworld maps).
- Organized project code.
- Highly updated drop data.
- Highly configurable server (see all server flags at ServerConstants).
- Fixed/added some missing packets for MoveEnvironment, summons and others.
- Uncovered many Send/Recv opcodes throughout the source.
- Reviewed many Java object aspects that needed concurrency protection.
- Reviewed SQL data, eliminating duplicated entries on the tables.
- Improved login phase, using cache over DB queries.
- Usage of HikariCP to improve the DB connection management.
- Usage of Java Threadpool to improve runnable call management.
- Developed many survey tools for content profiling.
- Developed a robust anti-exploit login coordinator system.
- Protected many flaws with login management system.
- Remodeled item scripts, properly using NPC dialogs.
- Channel, World and Server-wide timer management.
- Heavily reviewed future task management inside the project. Way less trivial schedules are spawned now, relieving task overload on the TimerManager.
- Developed services to act as a central task scheduler, in order to spawn less timer threads.
- ThreadTracker: embedded auditing tool for run-time deadlock scanning throughout the server source (relies heavily on memory usage, designed only for debugging purposes).
Exploits patched:
- Player being given free access to any character of any account once they have authenticated their account on login phase.
- Player being given permission to delete any character of any account once they have authenticated their account on login phase.
- Player being able to start/complete any quest freely.
- Several assynchronous-oriented exploits patched, highlights on those involving Fredrick & Duey.
- Removed the 'n' problem within NPC dialog.
- Removed caps for MATK, WDEF, MDEF, ACC and AVOID.
- Removed "AP excess" popup and "Admin/MWLB" action block, original credits to kevintjuh93.
- Removed "You've gained a level!" popup, original credits to PrinceReborn.
- Removed "Cannot enter MTS from this map." popup on maps that blocks transitions (such change channel, CS/MTS), rendering the buyback option now available for all maps.
- Removed a check for players wishing to create/join a party being novices under level 10.
- Set a new high cap for SPEED.
- Removed the AP assign block for novices.
- Removed a block that would show up when trying to apply an attack gem on equipments that aren't weapons.