- DeckLog compatibility has been updated to:
- 20230420.001 (JP)
- 20230413.001 (EN)
- [EncoreDecks] Fetching would crash due to various "null" traits that were incorrectly parsed (they shouldn't be parsed at all).
- [EncoreDecks] Yusuke's trait being "Magic - Magic" causing issues when saving its trait.
- [JKTCG] S80 caused issues when fetching its image due to having too many entries for a certain card.
- [db-export] Did not originally support a full database export (it now should)
As noted, this release is still an alpha version. API/CLI may change at any time. There may be bugs, and these may not be user-friendly. Please report them here when seen.
Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.13.1