This project is meant for me to upload/commit my solutions to the python assignments for the Udacity Deep Learning Foundations Nanodegree.
I'll be commiting my udacity DL submissions here. The following are the assignments I have worked on, the rest being the course code for learning.
- first-neural-network
- image-classification
- tv-script-generation
The rest of the folders contain starter/explanatory code from Udacity and may contain my edits as I learn deep learning.
- intro-to-rnns
- intro-to-tensorflow
- intro-to-tflearn
- sentiment-rnn
- sentiment_network
- tensorboard
- embeddings
- weight-initialization
Please use the .ipynb
notebooks (on github
itself) to see the code.
Since this is meant for a course, you must not copy/clone this for any assignments/commercial products. Note: This includes starter code from Udacity. You might want to look at their license as it may be binding for this code too.