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Releases: rpkoller/ddev-spidergram

v1.1.1: Fixed and improved Github Actions

02 Nov 12:00
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The Github Action tests were failing for a while. Unfortunately I had missed that was updated significantly. I've updated and adjusted .github/workflows/tests.yaml to the yaml file in the ddev-addons-template upstream. In addition I've slightly adjusted the naming of the project name and test directory in the test.bats file. While the renaming was sort of a cosmetic measure the update of the tests.yaml ensured that the tests are green again.

v1.1.0: Improved ArangoDB integration

08 Jul 03:28
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It was a little bit of back and forth to get the backup and restore for ArangoDB working on all platforms. Some permission issues for the arangorestore command caused some permission denied issues for the tests in Github Actions. Took a while to figure out the root cause (The fix is a chmod appended to the arangodumpcommand setting the permissions for the arangodb-backup directory). Thanks to @rfay for all the help and patience as well the introduction to tmate for debugging Github Actions and also thanks to @rocketeerbkw for the discussions during Drupal Dojo Austin and for the idea with applying the chmod command to the arangodb-backup folder in the web container instead of the arangodb container or volumes in the previous attempts. The following changes got introduced with the current release:

  • The command arangodump got added. With ddev arangodump the ArangoDB database is save to .ddev/arangodb-backup.
  • The command arangorestoregot added. With ddev arangorestore the ArangoDB database dump is restored from .ddev/arangodb-backup.
  • The `spidergram.config.yaml got updated. The authentication section for arango got removed since it is no-auth anyway and the url updated to https.
  • Port 8529 gets exposed to https in docker-compose.arangodb.yaml now as well and each request is forwarded to https. And the DDEV project and config folders get added as bind mounts.
  • The project_files section in the install.yamlgot updated accordingly adding the arangodump and arangorestore commands.
  • test.bats has been extended with tests to check the functionality of arangodump and arangorestore

v1.0.1: Bugfix release

14 Jun 12:05
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Quick bugfix release thanks to @tyler36


  • Allow ddev to remove config.ddev-spidergram.yaml - by @tyler36 in #2

v1.0.0: First stable release

13 Jun 11:54
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I've hopefully ironed out most of the problems. Everything works out without any issues in my tests. All details are described in the readme file.

v0.0.14-alpha: Minor naming change to better distinguish the two spidergram config related yamls

13 Jun 09:30
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change name from config.spidergram.yaml to config.ddev-spidergram.yam…

Fix the regex error in the context of the colon

12 Jun 19:20
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fix the error with colon after url in the regex

Switch from config.json to config.yaml

12 Jun 16:53
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noticed in a final test that it is possible to also use yaml instead of json files. for consistency reasons with DDEV and personal preference i am switching over using the spidergram.config.yaml instead of the spidergram.config.json

Some more clean up

12 Jun 14:30
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Some more clean up Pre-release

Updated the README explaining regex related changes

Probably final pre release alpha

12 Jun 12:57
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Probably ironed out the last rough edges. Set the docker compose file to HTTP_EXPOSE and remove an unnecessary expose statement alongside. In addition i've improved the post start regex checking the spidergram.config.json. now it automatically sets the url to the projects name and it'S TLD.

The first alpha with no rough edge left around basic functionality

11 Jun 17:30
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The first release that is basically working. Did also an initial draft of the readme. The last thing left to do is to get https for ArangoDB working plus expand the project name check for config.spidergram.yaml to make sure that sites that dont use get their project name checked as well properly.