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[UNMAINTAINED] A higher-order React Native component to compute the current and total pages of a ScrollView-compatible component


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A higher-order React Native component to compute the current and total pages of a ScrollView-compatible component

Note: It sounds like there are a couple ugly bugs that have crept in. This was very useful for us at the time, but my job hasn't involved working with react native for nearly six months now, so it's difficult for me to find the time to debug. I'll gladly merge and publish pull requests as quickly as possible, but I won't be actively fixing bugs or maintaining. My apologies and best wishes!


This module implements a higher-order component that computes the current and total pages contained in a React Native ScrollView (or functionally similar) component. So it's really very simple. Seriously, when you get down to it it's like a division and a floor function. But it attempts to solve layout race conditions, re-layout and other subtleties. This component could trivially be used as a swiper alongside a page indicator but does not implement that itself.

To be clear, this is strictly just a page-computing component. I assume you'll use it with pagingEnabled={true}, and it doesn't add paged scrolling for Android.



import { ScrollView } from 'react-native'
import AddPaging from 'react-native-paged-scroll-view'
var PagedScrollView = AddPaging(ScrollView)

  handlePageChange (state) {
    console.log('current horizontal page:', state.currentHorizontalPage)
    console.log('current vertical page:  ', state.currentVerticalPage)
    console.log('total horizontal pages: ', state.totalHorizontalPages)
    console.log('total vertical pages:   ', state.totalVerticalPages)

  render () {
    return (
      <PagedScrollView onPageChange={this.handlePageChange.bind(this)}>


$ npm install react-native-paged-scroll-view


require('react-native-paged-scroll-view')(Component, [scrollViewRefPropName="ref"])

Wrap either a ScrollView or a component functionally equivalent (implements onScroll and similar basic methods). Returns a higher order component with props passed through.


  • Component: The component being wrapped. It must implement the basic methods of a ScrollView.
  • scrollViewRefPropName: the name of the property passed to Component that will return the ref. This exists in case you're using a wrapped a ScrollView component for which ref returns the ref of the wrapper instead of the ref of the ScrollView. If you provide this property, then your wrapped ScrollView should have a property ref={this.props.<scrollViewRefPropName>} with your method name inserted. If you're just using a ScrollView though, you should be fine. Suggestions on how to improve this are welcome.


  • onPageChange: function(state): Executed on initial layout, when the page changes, or when the inner content changes. Callback is passed state object containing:
    • totalHorizontalPages: total number of horizontal pages, rounded to the nearest integer.
    • totalVerticalPages: total number of vertical pages, rounded to the nearest integer.
    • currentHorizontalPage: the current horizontal page, rounded to the nearest integer.
    • currentVerticalPage: the current vertical page, rounded to the nearest integer.
  • onInitialization: function(ref): Executed once, when the component is initially mounted and only once the dimensions have been measured. Useful, for example, for scrolling to a specific page once the component is mounted.


  • ref.scrollX: current horizontal scroll offset
  • ref.scrollY: current vertical scroll offset
  • ref.state.currentHorizontalPage: as defined above
  • ref.state.currentVerticalPage: as defined above
  • ref.state.totalHorizontalPages: as defined above
  • ref.state.totalVerticalPages: as defined above


  • ref.scrollToPage(horizontal, vertical, animated): Scroll to a specific page


(c) 2015 Ricky Reusser. MIT License.


[UNMAINTAINED] A higher-order React Native component to compute the current and total pages of a ScrollView-compatible component







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